Blades of Passion

"Swordcraft: One Hundred Blade Cuts!" I exclaim as I swiftly move both my legs in an obscure motion, even faster than the technique's originator, Zamira, before slashing my sword horizontally.


A fine line of aura erupts from my sword, cleanly slashing one of the training dummies ahead of me. But I don't stop there; I continue running through the field as if fighting an imaginary opponent, my eyes fixated on the next target.

"Swordcraft: One Thousand Blade Cuts!" I shout again, executing the same movements as before.


This time, a thick line of blood aura erupts from my sword, cleanly slashing the training dummy in front of me. But unlike before, the aura slash doesn't dissipate; it continues moving forward as if it has a mind of its own, cutting through all the training dummies on the field.

Within seconds, the aura slash finishes slashing all the dummies and starts heading towards Zamira.