
Upon the chilly wind that touches every skin. Sweat was seen trickling every recruit's face. Others gulp saliva to compensate for their shaken selves. Nervous about what will be their next task.

They stood straight but they felt like their feet were floating upon their uneasiness. William was in their front, having full armor while giving instructions. This time around, Gerald was away for another mission. Clanking metal was heard as he moved around with every step.

"After training with your weapon mastery, all of you should test your mettle and your capabilities. Further improving your battle instinct while doing so. You will collect all crystals as an assignment to grow stronger and further test your combat capabilities and application of what you've learned. You will all hunt down monsters. Monsters that give crystals, you must collect one each and you will all pass this test. Well, you can break those while on the way but you have to present me something, understood?"

"Sir, yes, sir!" they chorused.

"You will all get one each. Stat, Health, Mana, Stamina, and their regeneration variant. Also the skill crystals. All of you will be sent to the 'Forest Of Trial'. Once again, survive and live," he added.

Mark, Troan, Sendrick, and Mikael stared at each other. It seemed that they were experiencing it for the first time. Except for Troan in the fray, he already knew what to do.

"We should split up for faster collecting those crystals," Mark said.

"I agree! I can solo any enemy, at least I am that good!" Sendrick shouted.

"Guys, guys, we should party up and cover each other's backs! I know you will not survive for an hour there!" Troan exclaimed.

"Oh, so you are underestimating us? What's our training for? You are strong but it doesn't mean we are weak either. Don't insult our hard work!" Mark exclaimed.

"Okay okay, but at least we should cover each other's backs. The monsters in the forest are stronger than you imagined. We will die before we will collect all those crystals," Troan explained.

"Okay okay, mister tactician. But how strong are the monsters? Let us be enlightened," Mikael said.

"The monsters are enough to kill us recruits in just a few minutes. And that is of the weakest monsters. I can't even solo ten or more demon wolves with my capability. Though I can kill them all with a few wounds and lose a few pounds of flesh in the process, well that's me. And we don't have proper armors too as we are just recruits," Troan said while lifting his both hands on his chest level on the side.

"That makes sense, but another problem is the monsters. We barely know about them. Though we heard stories about them in our bedtime to scare us by our parents," Sendrick said quite confused.

"We can kill demon tigers for the three stats. As for the focus stat, we should kill a stalker for that. Also, gargoyles give + 10 Health, +10 Stamina, and +10 Mana points. As for the regeneration, well that will be harder.

"Only the demon anaconda or stronger enemies has that crystal. Though it gives 5 regeneration crystals for each Health, Mana, and Stamina. Each regeneration crystal gives +1 regeneration per second so it will surely help us get stronger.

"Also, for the Skill crystal, that will be nearly impossible. With our strength that is, but maybe with good coordination and teamwork, then maybe we can survive. The Trolls give a skill crystal and also the stronger ones," Troan explained.

"Oh, you sure are knowledgeable. We put the leadership under yours, Troan," Mark said.

"Yep, I agree!" Sendrick also said.

"Wait, how strong are they?" Mikael asked.

"We can combat and defeat ten demon wolves with our numbers. As for the demon tigers, we can fight one decently with the four of us. Though that will be hard. The demon anaconda will be a slim chance but it has the crystal requirements. So, good luck to us. It must be done for the mission's accomplishments." Troan explained.

It was then, that they all went to the armory. They only have training armor which was made from leather. Troan grabbed the short sword and buckled the scabbard on his waist while Mark the two-handed one on his back.

Sendrick used the hammer and shield and Mikael the two-handed hammer. Having been equipped, they marched towards the gate. Troan was ready as well as the others.

William was with them and citizens watched them pass by. Others cheer them on the way. Also, the day was still bright and their fears were still not felt. Troan warned them but it will only be for naught if they will be just a bunch of happy-go-lucky people there.

They arrived at the gates with guards stationed on their posts. Watching them like it was just normal. It felt like they watched it happen before. It was then, that Sir William gave his last briefings.

"Alright! The day is still bright! You should all return before nightfall, seven risings of the sun from now. The night is not for you yet, though it has better monster numbers to reap. Still, you must come back in one piece! I will pray for your safety, which I can only do for you all. I can't join as per the regulations of the task and this is also for you all to grow. Let's hope this is not farewell!

"Guards! The gates!" William exclaimed.

The gates opened wide with a creaking sound that the gate produced. It was then that they all turned about-face and watched the eerie forest. Oozing with sinister even though it was still daytime. It was brooding and dark inside and their naked eyes greeted them with an uncomfortable feeling.

Forest withered with branches that were hands-like. Even the trunk has a mouth and eyes that looked like a person. Still, Troan knew that it was just a monster's art. Carved for a more sinister greeting from the entrance.

Mark drew his two-handed sword on his back and Troan too on his waist. Making it produce a sharp ringing metallic sound after being drawn. Soon, the gates were closed and were shut with a thud. Only the face of their instructor was last seen before it was shut. The recruits then gulped their saliva after they realized that it will be the start of their troubles.

"Okay Troan, what to do?" Mikael asked.

Troan grabbed his map of the forest and then pointed out where they can find the monsters more frequently in those parts. It was full of scribbles of trees but the key places were seen highlighted. There were rivers too on the map with all the illustrations of monsters notifying where their turfs were.

It was an important map as you can evade such hurdles or predicaments if you knew where they were frequently seen. Troan didn't have such a map in the past but was very thankful as he has now.

The demon tigers were numerous near their cave and others tended to hunt solitarily. The stalkers were adept at detecting humans so that means they were being stared at, at that moment.

The demon anacondas were scattered on the map but they tend to be numerous in their home. A hole in the footing of the centennial pine tree was located on the northeast of the map.

The gargoyles tend to flock on the "Dead trees of the hanged" that Troan has stumbled upon and the Trolls were solitary on rivers. Shifting themselves to bridges but they tend to flock when it was their mating season. Specifically located at the Damp cave of roaring skull.

"We should find a stalker or two sooner, but the demon tigers and anacondas will be tougher to find. Though they will find us before we find them," Troan said while looking at the map, hands scratching his chin.

"So we should prepare now, let us go hunt them down. Though being nearer on their turfs will probably alert a few or even the whole lot of them. We should be careful too," added Mikael.

'Smart kid,' Troan scoffed.

"Yes he is right, Mikael is using his head now. I am pleased," Mark said to him only to receive a cold stare.

It was then, that they saw stalkers watching them from the trees. Hands were protruding on the trunks with half of their bodies shown. Faces peeping and were of a Dracula, literally has no wings embedded on their backs. Eyes were glowing in red and they were not attacking till that moment.

"Troan, how do we kill them?" Mark asked with his weapon drawn.

"We anger them then kill, simple right?" Troan said then grabbed a stone just near his feet.

Throwing it right to the face of one Stalker. It flung and the Stalker was half a beat late. Landing right to its face.


The monster wailed in the pain, making the others alarmed at what transpired. The aggro was now on Troan's and they all dashed towards him.

"Guys, formation now!" Troan yelled.

They soon formed a formation. Mark was in the front with Sendrick while Troan was on the side and Mikael. All were ready for a frontal assault.

Counting their numbers, they were only six. Making Troan bite his lower lips. They were lucky enough that they only have a few of them. In the past, it was a whole dozen that he has met or even more. Luckily, he didn't anger them or he will be dead by now. The enemies dashed towards them with angered faces. Bewildered at how fast they move while just staring at them a few moments before.

Soon after, they pounced with claws sharp and hardened. Mouth bearing their fangs at them.