
Launching their full attack, Troan's side too on a full-scale defense. Weapons wielded with great grips and accentuated by their battle instincts. A compelling emotion was felt when an all-out fight will happen. All those training will be tested at last and they craved for testing their mettle.

"Sendrick! Play defense, Mikael! Cover his back! Mark! Let us make a round-robin in eliminating those attacking them!" Troan shouted.

"Affirmative!" they shouted.

The enemies attacked with speed while leaving traces of red from their eyes. Assaulting their formation while being driven by their maddened selves.

Sendrick was slashed by a claw of a stalker on his shield and it was felt with weight behind its attack. Mikael then thrust his two-handed hammer on the attacker and then made it flung to the sheer force.

A creaking sound on the chest was heard after it landed. Making the monster step back a little while wailing.

Many others assaulted their formation. One went on their sides and others on their backs. Troan was not hasty in the kill as his comrade's safety was more important to him.

He was assaulted by one with claws aimed at his throat. Troan sidestepped in a flash that made the enemy think that what he attacked was an illusion; with just the speed of Troan's movements. Rotating while he ducked then decapitating it in a flash.

Mark was also not hindered in any way. The enemy attacked with its claws but he dived towards it in a form of a counter. Further cutting off its arms that the stalker used itself to kill him. Enemy wailed and wanted to back off but Mark was fast and his two-handed sword slashed like it was not having any weight at all.

Mikael was also not something to be trifled with. Rotating his two-handed hammer above his head then held it with both hands to smash the enemy. Landing on the enemy's face made it snap its neck.

Sendrick, even with defending, was able to cover them by slamming enemies towards the side when the three of them were attacked on their backs. Smashing them too with a one-handed hammer held on his hands that further made them stagger when hit.

More enemies joined the chaos and the four were not even perturbed by their onslaught of attacks.

Troan slashed one enemy with finesse and speed. He didn't equip with a shield in the sacrifice of defense for more freedom of movement and faster attacks.

Mark slashed one bystander that attacked Sendrick's side with the flick of his two-handed sword while only using one hand to swing it.

Sendrick was attacked by one while bearing its fangs but he defended with his shield. Making it bit his shield instead. Mikael then swings his hammer vertically that plummeted on the stalker's head. Slamming its face on the ground.

"Troan! We are getting surrounded!" Mikael said while rotating his hammer on his back.

"Stalkers will attack full force in the first few waves. But they will feel cowardice when they will see that they can't defeat us! Continue to persist! Escaping them will only give them courage!" Troan shouted.

They managed to be on their footing even with more barrage of their surging numbers. Each one of them slashed and smashed. Bathing their clothes and armors with the blood of the enemies.

Having tasted the feeling to kill a monster, the three smirked at the sheer feeling they felt. It was a feeling that was steadily building up along their earning of experience. A mixture of pleasure, as well as satisfaction, was brewing up inside their hearts.

The battle continued and they covered each other's backs successfully. Not even the slightest damage on their armor was seen rented or scratched protruding obviously.

Sweat trickled their eyelashes and also their faces. Even their clothes were also mixed with blood alongside their perspiration. Mark stabbed his two-handed sword on the ground and also Mikael on his side.

Panting but they were all smiling. Enemies felt intimidated by how strong they were and left them. Not with their numbers that only remained with just the three of them. They yelped as they run without turning back at all.

"Run cowards! Haha!" Mark yelped. Even with his tired panting self, he has the energy to shout vigorously.

"Guys, see those?" Troan then gestured for them to look at where he was pointing his fingers.

Others looked too and saw floating crystals over the dead bodies.

"Those are the crystals that we're gonna collect. Keep one each and break the others," Troan announced.

Sendrick as well as the others scurried and went on their knees while grabbing one. All were in a plethora of feelings while doing so, being amazed at the majestic crystalline glow.

"Those will give you +1 Focus stat. You better break the surplus as you all needed it," Troan then went to grab one for him also. Keeping it inside his backpack.

"We should move, this place is nowhere near safe. Especially about all that ruckus," Troan said then sheathed his sword.

"Let's go then," Mark said to him.

The other three then went to follow him. As per Troan's memories, the fox hole he has situated before was enough for the four of them. It also has a brook near it for a water source. As for the food, well, they will have to survive for a week and it would be a problem if the others didn't eat at all.

There will be no energy for fighting all of that like the one they faced before.

Traveling the dead forest, the others were silent. Even their chatting was halted when they felt spooky inside the gloomy wilderness. Not wanting to attract attention while still recuperating their energies.

Few outgrown roots were paved and they saw a brook near a flattened stone. It has a mini waterfall while it was producing trickling drops from the top.

"Wow water, should I?" asked Sendrick.

Troan then taste-tested the water then gestured for them for a go.

"Nice, my throat is dry as a desert. I could use some water right now," Sendrick said. Mark and the others chuckled.

Troan then opened the lid of his water canteen and then filled it up to the brim. The wind then felt chilly and howls were slowly heard rousing from all directions. Others felt being struck with fear unhindered and felt unsafe at the moment. Dread creeps inside their very veins.

"Troan, we should hurry," said Sendrick while shivering in the chilly wind. Mouth stuttering during the process.

It was then, that they went forth to their destination. All headed to the fox hole that Troan has encamped in the past. Finding clues and possible trails of his last journey, he saw and realized that they were near. It was a tree that has a different branch formation than the rest of the trees all around it. It was also in the center of a small spacious pocket in the forest.

With the three of them arrived, the others then followed Troan while exhaling a bit.

"We have arrived at the tree that made me survive this hell for a week. Meet the Fox hole," Troan announced.

The others then went to watch the whole of its features. It was big enough for the three of them but the entrance was for only one person. The others shrugged and then went inside. Covering the opening with branches and a cloth. Inside, they settled and rested. Eating the food that they prepared in the morning. With dried jerky as a ration for a few days, they felt like the food they ate will be only for one eating.

Soon, they slept in the night. Even with their shaken selves on the howls of the night, they went asleep fast. Troan volunteered to take a watch on the night with a few swaps of guarding schedule with the others.

Soon after, Troan then was getting sleepy and his tiresome battle took its toll. He was getting drowsy and then he groaned while putting his hands on his mouth. It was then, that he felt a presence outside at the entrance, he heard small growls from the outside. It didn't feel like a small animal at all.

It came from a veteran predator, a Demon tiger. Troan slid his hands on his sword's hilt and then prepared for if it will attack or not. It was at that moment, that the presence disappeared and Troan exhaled all his air inside his chest.

It will be better if the enemy will not find them at this moment while they were resting. Especially when his comrades were fast asleep. Also waking them up half-awake but half-asleep, fighting while drowsy will only be a mess.