
In the realm of God of Humans, located at the front gate of the Heavens. The demons great and small have their weapons ready for slaughter. Teeth were menacing and lusted to kill. Winged and monstrous, eyes brimming with wrath.

They were ready to assault the gates on their front and Angels were also ready to defend.

With just the signal, they launched their attack towards their realm. Legions of Angels dived toward them and the Demons attacked full force.

The demons clashed with the Angels and sounding metals were heard right after they collided with each other.

Demons slashed the Angels and others were stabbed by their weapons. Making them bleed with divinity. Demons too were killed in the process. Angels were also furious in battle with the deaths of their brethren.

The pawns were let loose on both sides and they combatted each other. Flooding enemies and Angels clashed on the ground and were seen like the sands of the sea; too many to count by mere estimation.

Even Giant minions were present and they threw rubbles at them. Angels too defended and struck them with rays of light. Other rubbles were also blocked by their force field that was made by their holy powers.

Other demon elites ran towards them and leapt with spear and shield, stabbed the ones in the air and killed them one by one after they struck the ground. Slowly culling their numbers with their surprise attacks.

It was then, that powers soon were let out and all were in chaos. Booming sound were heard all throughout and the very air shook with all the destruction. The air permeated with great mana with all the skills used left and right for many hours.

They clashed with each other, demonic aura and divinity were seeping out of the surroundings. Blood was spilt forth when it all started. Both sides suffered on battle.

The God of Humans were present at the moment but stood restless, he had a bad feeling about what would happen. As he saw that the Demon God was not present at the moment. Where and what was he doing at the time?

Upon a hilly mountainside, Troan, with his staff, was left alone to defend Humanity against the Demon God–Omega. Troan was on a hill and the opposite hill was a Demon in his human form, hiding his true form at the moment.

A battle will rage forth, the break of the day has just started. All he could do was buy time before the God of Humans will arrive. It will be a battle of attrition too as his enemy was impossible to defeat with his current capabilities.

The enemy was impossible to kill with any skills of any job class and it sure made a huge blunder. Only greater evil below was vulnerable to it, not the Prime evil Omega.

Troan bit his lips after he was on his last straws. It was not easy to hold on when his enemy has bottomless strength. He held his staff with both hands and dashed towards him.

His speed exceeds the speed of sound and only a sound of roaring thunder was the aftermath. He smashed him on the head and it was only deflected by the Demon God.


Making him let go of his staff to the sheer raw power. His staff flew but he seconded it with a punch. The Demon God gripped his hands and then he kicked him in the face to let him let go of his hold.


He was hit but the Demon God just groaned. Rotating then made a back kick. Making Troan rotate when it landed on his jaw. Troan then regained balance and hopped a bit, further away from him.

The two then dashed towards each other and barraged of blows landed on each other's bodies.

Punches and kicks were shown and were landing on both of them. Both were on equal strength at the moment.

The two were just sizing each other up but a small fraction of power will change the tides of the battle.

Troan blocked his punches and made some return blows. The Demon God was hit and then grabbed him on the hands. Pulling him up and then smashing him on the ground.


Troan was on the ground then rotated, further rotating also the enemy then made a roundhouse kick.


The ground shook after he was blown and went tumbling on the ground with several hits. Troan then dashed towards him and called forth his staff.

Making the staff hit the enemy while he was still coming toward him.

Bang! Bang! Bing!

The Demon God smashed the staff and was hitting it hard. Troan came and then punched him in the face while the trajectory of the punch was downwards.


The Demon God then was slammed to the ground.

"Ahhh!" The Demon God bellowed.

Huge mana was pouring out of him and dark miasma was enveloping his body. He Roared then stood up, looking at him with a smirking face.

He ran towards Troan and Troan too with the same speed of sound. A thunderous booming sound was just the aftermath.

He smashed Troan and he was a half-beat late. It felt like the enemy has grown stronger and stronger as time goes by. He was hit on the face and collided on a hill just a few kilometres away.


Troan tried to stand up and the enemy just flew towards him and landed on his abdomen.


Troan let out huge amounts of air from his lungs and then nearly passed out. He was grabbed on the neck and then pulled up from the rubbles. Few rocks were seen falling from his robes.

"Hahaha! At last! My awaited plan to corrupt you will be completed! Grandmaster Troan! I don't have much time to talk, my minions don't have much time left,"

The geography was chaotic, the ground was destroyed and craters were randomly arranged on the wastelands. The wind blew accompanied by specks of dust and the sun was on its peak.

Troan was strangled on his neck. His sweat was trickling on the corner of his mouth accompanied by the bitter iron taste of blood.

Blood was dripping from his forehead and can't breathe at all. His eyes closed while gripping the hand that strangled him.

He wore robes that were nearly tattered and his hem was fluttering as the wind blew them. His staff was a few yards away from them. Stuck on the ground slightly tilted.

Troan opened his hands towards the direction of his staff and he called forth in his mind for it to come to him.

It responded.


It flung towards him while swirling and then it was headed towards his direction. Hands ready to receive his weapon.

It was then parried by the Demon that strangles him. Several attempts were made but it was just flung away by the swatting of his hands.

Bing! Bing! Bing!

Smashing it and it was then flung away again. Vibrating while it landed on the ground until it lost its movement.

His enemy chuckled as he started to begin corrupting him. The miasma of darkness was seen gushing out and eyes reddened with a crimson darkish glow.

Smirking while cursing veins were seen crawling from his hands transferring to the man he strangled.

The eyes of the person he strangled became the same as him–the Demon God, and Troan roared in pain. The reverberating voice was heard echoing in the valley and he was dropped to the ground. Kneeling while touching his throat.

"Now you are free, roam the lands and do what you have to do. Spread evil on the lands as far as you can go." the Demon God said with a sinister growling voice.

The man then was covered with miasma and his robes were turned into dark steel armor. Spiked shoulder pads emerged and were protruding on his side. His head was without a helmet for protection. Blood evaporated on the forehead and all wounds have disappeared.

"I am Doom, and I will spread chaos!" he replied to him. He called forth the staff he has and then it flung towards him.


It then turned into a sword while it was swirling and his hands received it with a thud.

The Demon God then was covered with miasma and then disappeared without a trace. The man who was turned into a new being then stood up and inhaled a mouthful of air.

"These lands need reaping. A lot happened when I am gone for over millennia. Or maybe more than that. It has been so long since I have tasted the air. The feeling of being in this body of Troan. I've missed it, he sure did not let me out for a long time." he said in a low growling, and cold voice.

It was then, that he summoned huge amounts of power coming from the deepest parts of his unmeasurable power source–Troan's wrath. Dark miasma was coming out of his hands and then he smashed the ground with his fingers first.

"I call forth! Doom bringers!"

The ground shook and cracked, and steam of hot air vaporized in its wake. An army of armored men has risen from the cracks.

Made with dark steel armors and also their weapons in many varieties. They woke up from his calling and they all rise on the call of their master.

Their King and Lord.

Thousands of them responded to his voice; armed and ready for his command.

"Let us lay waste on these lands and kill everything!" Doom said to them.

The army roared with a deafening shout, bolstered themselves as they had been called once again, and had risen from the very grounds after millennia of waiting for their master's return.

Eyes seeping out with darkness and were breathing out with dark steam. Faces were void of expressions and will only obey his commands.