
They marched towards the nearest settlements upon their master's request. A great rumbling was heard and the birds flew away from the nearest trees inside the forests.

Doom was sitting on his death mount and others followed after him. Upon watching the smoke from afar, Doom concluded that it was the nearest village to them.

They went to the nearby village and that village have seen peaceful days. It ended without them knowing. Others were harvesting their crops, others tending their vineyards, and others were gathering their animals.

They made an unceasing rumbling sound as they traveled and were heard echoing as they announced their presence. A flooding army of black-armored men surrounded the village easily even how vast it was.

With Doom's death mount being sat upon, he called forth the village elder. His mount slightly faces to the side as he draws his sword from the scabbard.

"Where is your elder? Should I ask who, instead?"

Villagers huddled and were all gathered in his presence. The elder then appeared from the masses. His feet were shaking in fear. His staff was giving support but it was not doing its job properly.

"I am the village elder, My name is....." Doom halted him with his hands.

"Your name is not important. I am Doom, you won't believe that I am the conqueror of humanity but let me say this. Die with miserable deaths. I can't offer salvation," he said while on his mount.

"My Lord! What have we done to have such judgment? We are peace-loving people!" he announced.

"I am commanded to spread evil and kill everything. I was once a great King but it didn't last long. Well, I can still give you a chance to live," he then chuckled.

"To live?"

"Yes, to live as one of my armies! You will not die. Believe me, you will not like being tortured by the Demon God forever either so this is a once-in-a-lifetime offer. So choose, die in the hands of demons, and get tortured for eternity? Or become my underling?"

"No!" one villager threw a stone and then spat at him. The stone landed on his face and the spat fell short that landed on his horse.

"Oh, you should not do that, especially my horse. He likes to bite, but anyways, my horse forgives. But I am not! Seize the man!" Doom commanded.

He was then grabbed and forcefully knelt on the ground.

"Don't touch my daddy!" a kid shouted.

"Ah, you have a kid! Now it becomes more fun! Should your daughter become one with my army instead? Hmm?" Doom asked.

"No! Please don't touch her!" the man struggled to let loose.

"I still haven't! Now choose!"

"No! We will not become like what you want!" he bellowed.

"Should I kill your daughter?"

"Daddy! Save me! Please don't let him kill me!"

"Ugh, kids these days. They should not join an adult's talks and businesses. Her manners and upbringing are questionable. But never mind, I will just get over all this unnecessary drama. My head is aching, I can just turn you all into one in just a breeze," he said then gathered his power on his fingertips.

Snapping his fingers then a burst of huge dark miasmic fog enveloped the village. All went coughing and they all fainted. Making them turn into an army with just the air they inhaled.

"Let us grow our army! We will then spread chaos to these lands!" Doom announced.

Village by village, all were visited and were turned. Their numbers were doubled and they marched without rest. Not even feeling weary while marching for days. They burned all the villages with fire and not one was spared. Others fought but it was only for a moment after they were turned in a snap.

They went to villages and the noble's fiefs were next. The land was of a farming village with many wheat fields still green. The Lord's mansion was up ahead of the hills and can be seen from afar.

It was noon and was starting to get dark. Upon arriving at the Lord's mansion full of tulips in its gardens, one noble appeared at the front gates. Metallic embroidery with thorny roses as design.

Guards were scared as their armors were rattling with just looking at his army, Doom then unmounted from his horse.

The Lord of that land approached him himself. Having a noble's attire of belted tunic and dark slacks. His hair was long and was in a ponytail.

Mustache was curved up and was caressing it while he was standing improperly, slightly tilted, another hand on the waist.

"What vulgar creature would do such shameless deed! You putting your army here is the same as declaring war!" he bellowed.

"Oh, are we not at war? Maybe you are just late to realize things. So you guessed we are here for a party instead? Where's the food?" Doom asked.

"Ugh, retreat your army from here or the king will...."

"The King will what? Kill me? Well, right after you! You will be dead before you will know if he will surely avenge you. You know what? Surrender and become one with my army. I can at least not let you die for many years to come. My army will testify for that themselves," Doom then smirked, looking at them.

"With these hideous things? No! I am a Lord! Go back to where you came from! I got enough with all this nonsense!"

"Ah, I am not so persuasive as usual. Well, I will just kill your family in front of you yes? How about I will slit your kid's throats in front of you. Or how about I let you watch their decapitated heads all day while their eyes were watching back at you.

"I have a better idea! I will butcher them in front of you and cook them while you are watching. Let you have a taste too! I know you will like to kill me after that."

"You son of a..." he almost shouted but he was cut short.

"Shush shush, manners my dear Lord, manners. I am getting persuasive now, am I?"

"Fine! Fine! I will join!"

"You should have told me sooner," Doom then snapped his fingers and he was turned, all his family included.

From the villages to the noble's lands, all were laid waste. Many villages went on fire, noble's fief's included. Bad tidings spread forth on the lands and the Kingdom was alerted about the bad news.

The sky was clouded and it darkened the day, church bells rang on high alert. Crows were restless in the skies and were seen flocking in all directions.

Clang! Clang! Clang!

The messengers and scouts from all villages escaped reporting the news. All headed towards the capital and to where the city was. Many messengers appeared, running while others were stumbling on their way.

A man was seen running towards the gates and was let in by the castle guards immediately after knowing that he was a messenger. He was running even inside the courtyard until he arrived at the door of the throne room. Entering the place, he was hasty to enter while panting.

The King was seen drinking a cup of wine while dressed in his kingly robes and staff. The queen beside him.

He bowed to the King and the King lets him stand.


"I have bad news my liege! Doom! Doom is coming!"

The King dropped his cup of wine after he heard of the bad news.

"Doom? The conqueror of humanity? What is he doing in this era?"

"I believe he was once again corrupted and has woken up from slumber!" said the news bearer.

"Ah I see, I believe we should call all the tribes for war. Humanity is at stake here, if it was Doom that we are talking about," The King said.

The Queen then grabbed his hands and smiled.

"I will be with you in battle, we will be together in this," she said to him.

"Prepare the war room!" the King announced.

The kingdom's walls were stationed with more men and all armed themselves. Civilians were all in distress and the army barricaded the gates. Civilians went inside the undergrounds used for evacuating them.

All personnel prepared for all inevitable and to defend their homeland. Flags and banners of war were raised and it flutters in the wind. Messengers didn't stop surging bringing forth bad news and many more kept coming.

All messengers were sent forth to call the tribe leaders. In all directions, they went in their fastest as the fate of humanity was at stake. In just a few days, the Tribe leaders arrived. The Mages were first to respond and they visited the King.

Next to arrive were the Chaos Knights with their Dragons. On the same day, the Lycans that traveled from their homelands arrived in their werewolf forms and Druids appeared on the horizons right after them.

Holy Knights too while on their summoned warhorse. Horses charged from the valleys towards the kingdom walls, and rumblings of hooves were heard while their horses galloped at full throttle. Other tribes arrived one after another as they were only by foot.

Necromancers, Swordsmen, Fighters, Paladins, Rogues, and Rangers arrived on the same day. It was a joyous moment for the King as Humanity was once again united. He made a celebration first to welcome them and then that night, they were all gathered in their war tent; ready for an all-out war.