
The doom bringers arrived like a flood. As many as ants and of the sands of the sea. Rumbling the ground and darkening the horizons. War drums rang and horns were sounded. The blazing heat of the sun was drying up all the throats of all forces. The wind was dry and warm.

Kingdom's walls were fortified. All forces ready to defend the walls and enemies were on the hills watching them. At the bottom of the walls, the army of humans was stationed.

It was then, that the King gave commands to his army and they readied for an immediate war. The eleven tribes of humanity were seen siding up with the King and they stood forth to heed his commands.

The eleven tribes were ready and were under in their battle formation; The Holy Knights - People of high steeps, Lycans - shapeshifters of Drunheim, Druids - forest protectors of Temera, Paladins - Protectors of the royal bloodlines, Necromancers - summoners of the dark fog, Rogues - People of Feandal, Rangers - Inhabitants of Eal Forest, Chaos Knights - People of high mountains dragonoids, Fighters - monks of Desterpia, Mages - People of Eon lands, Swordsmen - the protectors of Altemera.

The King and Queen were present on the battlefield. Riding their mounts while giving commands.

"This battle has to be won or our children will not see better days. Our enemy is the conqueror of humanity but he is not with himself today. All who slaughtered our brethren will die by the sword! Who's with me?!" the King announced.


The voice of the tribes rang and then the King shouted with a loud voice.


They all ran towards the opposing forces and fought each enemy they faced. They clashed with each other and both sides made their numbers on their opposing enemy. Their roars reverberated and were mixed with groans of the ones dying, right after the blood bath started.

Fighters leapt and smashed the grounds with their overwhelming force. Smashing Doom's army with their fist and elbows. Others kicked and struck them with their knee and it sent them flying. Booming sounds were heard with them all sent flying from their explosiveness.

The Lycans transformed into Werewolves and called forth their summoned beasts. Wolves and ravens were seen flocking towards the fray. Druids too with their summons and transformed into Werebear forms. Necromancers also didn't let them have the limelight easily. They summoned skeleton soldiers and ghosts to their arsenal. Making their numbers increase drastically, further making Doom's forces small compared to theirs.

They soon attacked and Chaos Knights rode their dragons up above. Diving towards them and destroying the formation of Doom's army. Different variants of Dragons were present too, not just the ones flying but also on foot.

Rogues and Rangers cooperated and easily decimated great numbers of their enemies. Flashes of their blades were seen and splashing of blood followed their trail.

Swordsmen also were not being left behind. They were the fastest to decimate their enemies and were masters of the sword. Not a scratch was in their armors and was also not breaking a sweat.

Mages rained spells nonstop right after the battle began. These men were able to obliterate the enemies with just a few spells. Fire, Lightning, Earth, Water and ice, and last was the Wind element. Others were using Telekinesis and others were Telepathic mages. Even Time and Spatial mages were seen stopping time in an area and others opening round portals.

Paladins were on standby to defend the King and Queen while Holy Knights were healing and giving buffs to the ones on the battlefield. There were even other Holy Knights that were on their summoned warhorse on standby for additional support.

The battle spewed forth and the tribes were slowly dealing with the enemies. Slowly, the tides were going on their side. Their enemies were slowly culled one by one and their morale was at its highest.

The Doom bringers then were outnumbered with just a few hours of battling. Still, it was not enough for them to yield to their fate. It was still too early for them to surrender.

While the tribes were fighting, they soon were grabbed to their feet. The hands were from the fallen Doom bringers. They were killable but death rejects them in the afterlife. They were called the undying army for a reason.

It was then, that Doom charged forward and led the attack. Heading towards the King of humans himself.

"Stop him!" shouted their General.

It was then at that moment, their eyes locked on Doom. Staring at him like prey and he can only scoff at them while his eyes were lifeless and expressionless.

From all directions, different kinds of human forces attacked. Lycans were nearer to his location and so they were the first ones to attack him. Using different skills at him that was enough to rend normal humans.

He was clawed on the face left and right with their barrage of blows but he was just flung on their force. He gripped one hand of the attacker and muttered.

"Your skills can't harm me," he said but he was just attacked again in different directions.

"Hello guys, are you listening? I can't get killed! Your skills will do me no harm!" Doom bellowed.

He was attacked but the pain was what he liked the most. He was tickled by their attacks and can't help but be in pleasure.

"Ah! This is heaven!"

Werewolves then commanded their summons to attack him. Flocks of ravens attacked and wolves dashed toward him.

"Seriously, does history didn't tell you that I am not killable?" Doom can only sigh.

They attacked and he sheathed his sword, cracking his knuckles instead.

"Let's get warmed up yes?"

He dashed towards them and then swatted the incoming wolves left and right to his side. Wolves and ravens whimpered with every blow that he made and was enough to snap their bones.

Upon his onslaught, Werewolves attacked. Punching them with a hardened fist right to their faces; sending them flying. Every blow was enough to fling them from afar.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Boom!

Their numbers were not even worth breaking a sweat for him. It was then, that Chaos Knights flew above him and Doom saw their dragons hovering. Encircling him currently and were shrieking. Doom stared above and was shading his eyes from the heat.

"Just look at that, flying reptiles, let me give you a greeting first," Doom muttered.

Gathering some rocks in his hands, he took a pitching form and threw the rock toward one of them.

The riders were all watching what could he be doing and were just laughing at what he will try. Questioning what could have made him think that rocks can do them harm. Especially how far they were from each other.

Upon looking from above, a whooshing sound was heard and the riders felt alerted.

"Incoming!" shouted one of them.


The rock was crushed on the impact but the dragon went spiralling to the sheer force. It soon rained with more rocks towards them.


They all went down and crashed on the battlefield. Others tumbled several times and rolled over as they landed. Dragons slammed the ground with a bang and then passed out.

Doom then was whistling at them while casually joggling the rocks in his hands. They all stood up hastily and then breathed fire at him. Making a curve formation while doing so.

Scorching heat changed the air temperature instantly and Doom was covered with fire entirely. Chaos Knights then were stepping forward slowly while breathing out flames from their mouths.

The fire breath ended and Doom then was seen breathing out steam. He soon went coughing after he exhaled it all. The ground was scorched but his appearance didn't change at all. No burn on the skin nor armor in embers.

"Not gonna die, not gonna die, no one's listening, no one's listening. Like, I have to tell this to everyone I battle?" Doom sighed.

The enemies were dumbstruck and were confused at what he was saying.

"Okay, let's get you to have a nice dream. Look!" he pointed at his side, on the far west.

After being distracted for split second, he disappeared without a trace. They felt alerted and then he smacked them on the back of their heads. They all went crashing to the ground one by one and clanking metal was heard; one after another.

Druids appeared and they were in their Werebear forms. Others have armors with them, runes were visibly glowing. He was then smashed with their bare hands and then he headbutted every single one of them.

Bang! Bang! Boom!

All went crashing to the ground one by one. No matter how big or small his enemy was. There were also Giant Werebears but he also headbutted them.


Caressing his hair after one went crashing on the ground. It crashed like a limp bear that passed out a second ago.

"Ah, my head is refreshed now. I feel enlightened!"

It was then, that arrows rained on him. It continued to rain for several seconds more. Doom them shook his body and the arrows fell over.

"Ah, such a waste of precious ammo. Feels like acupuncture to me," Doom said then numerous speedy silhouettes slashed him in all directions.

Flashes of blades flickered as he evades them.

"Oh, the Forest tribe and the shadow tribe! Please be gentle,"

The enemies soon encircled him and sharpened their gaze. All were hooded and has dark and brown robes as their uniforms. They were none other than Rangers and Rogues that were in one accord, planning to end him at all cost.