
Eleven figures landed on the ground like they were meteors. Rays of light were seen upon their trails.


Dirt bursts and dust were seen exploding upwards. Emerging in the crater with their domineering auras oozing out from their skin. They walked out from the crash site and then saw Doom on the battlefield.

Doom watched them with a scowl and was smirking. Not to underestimate them but he knew that they were strong.

"But are they strong enough?" he questioned himself.

Thinking that they were the students of Troan. He felt like his blood boiled in excitement to clash with them and then test his mettle. He wanted to try the torch-bearers of Humanity as they were the strongest!

The Eleven Guardians themselves. The Guardians of Humanity.

"Alas, the eleven students of Troan came. The Eleven Guardians! Let me welcome you with my utmost respect," Doom said then bowed.

The battlefield was full of wounded and broken men. The wind carried the smell of blood and the dry air was burning the very skin of the army. Wails and cries were heard and only the Guardians were left to battle their enemy. The Guardians were disgusted and insulted by what he has done. It was preposterous!

It felt like mud was swung right in their faces as he has the guts to greet them. It was insulting on their part. Making them grit their teeth at their sheer anger.

"What have you done? You will not get away unpunished!" said Mage guardian Eil.

"Should we get acquainted first? I am Doom, the Conqueror of Humanity. We haven't been introduced properly yes?"

"You! I don't care who you are! What happened to master Troan?" asked Druin, the Druid Guardian.

"Ah, figure it out on your own. Well, as a clue. He is no more, more like a remnant of the past," Doom said to him.

It was then, that they roared and they attacked. The Druid guardian summoned his minions as well as the Lycan guardian and Necromancer guardian.

Beasts, Nature's forces, and Skeletons paraded toward him. Doom then called forth his army and they battled with them. The Sounding of metals was then heard clashing with each other and the battle spewed forth.

The Fighter Guardian attacked him and his attacks were enough to produce shockwaves. Making Doom shudder a bit with every impact.

Bang! Bang! Boom!

Still, he was enjoying every bit of pain that he was suffering.

Fighter guardian Mael destroys the mountains behind them. He has great shockwaves that burst with every strike.

The Mage Guardian stopped the time in his radius but he just flicked his sword and his skill was ripped apart like paper. It was deemed useless in the presence of his sword.

The Holy Knight Guardian swung his sword and the wind was ripped and the land was sliced apart. Making the soldiers of both sides shudder at their clash.

Holy Knight guardian Edmund even rened the wind and oceans with his slash. Making the land mass change geographically.

Doom was casually evading every bit of attack.

The Swordsman guardian slashed and dashed towards him then their blades collided.

Bang! Boom! Bing!

They sparred like never before and then Doom slashed and swung effortlessly. Their sword clashed and then Shin was perplexed.


His sword has a heavy impact and it was comparable to an earth-shaking strength. Making his sword flung from his grip. It was then, that Shin was dumbstruck at his strength. Making him question himself and his existence.

Swordsman guardian Shin gives him random bonuses on his stats such as strength, dexterity, vitality, and focus as he deals damage.

Also, his strikes become ethereal, passing through physical armors and cutting through flesh.

"Is this all you got? Troan might be disappointed with you all!"

They soon bellowed and Lycan guardian transformed into a Werewolf. The same with the Druid guardian. He transformed into his Werebear form. They attacked him with the slashes of their paws. Making him battered with their attacks.

Lycan guardian Rage can make his slash faster and faster with each attack and it deals more damage the longer it gets.

Druid guardian Druin can make himself tougher and tougher with every hit and damage he receives or deals.

It was then, that Doom blocked their attacks with ease. Not perspiring at all. While swiping their hands as they attacked, Doom was bored. Making Doom punch them both and the two flung from him.

Bam! Boom!

The Paladin Guardian attacked with his hammer and then smashed Doom. All his strength was behind its blow.


His feet sunk and the ground made a crack on it while it was caved in due to the impact. It was at that moment when all elements were applied to the attack and he was struck with it.

Paladin guardian Trey has swings that weigh several tons. He can also command the elements like an extension of their slash.

"Useless!" Doom shouted.

Doom then grabbed his weapon and then threw it away from him. It was sent flying away from them. Making him can't believe what has just happened.

He soon punched him in the abdomen and he was sent flying.


Chaos Knight appeared and then breathed fire. Making Doom dash towards him and grab his mouth. Smashing his head on the ground. He summoned a Dragon above but Doom threw his sword at it and it was stabbed in the chest. Pulling it out after he recalled the weapon.



The Dragon wailed as it went back towards its summoner. Making its roar reverberate in the surrounding area. Chaos Knight guardian then was perturbed at what transpired right in front of his eyes.

"No!" The Chaos Knight can only shout in utter shock.

Chaos knight guardian Helmar can deal with wounds that can give intense pain. Making you pass out in a single strike.

Ranger guardian and Rogue made a combo and then they attacked synchronously.

The Rogue Guardian Spike can slash the very soul itself.

Ranger Guardian Marv can deal with wounds that can't be healed by normal potions and be corrosive.

Doom dueled the two and he went battering their weapons with greater force. Making them sent flying with just them blocking his attacks.

The Mage Guardian then rained him with spells but he was unaffected.

Bang! Bang! Boom!

Mage Guardian Eil can heighten the damage of his attacks by two folds and it deals more damage than usual.

Necromancer put curses on him but he was not even hindered. He dashed towards the two and grabbed their necks. Slamming both of them to the ground.

Necromancer guardian Hail can even make his weapons unbreakable or indestructible.

His attacks can even absorb a small percentage of his prey's strength. Making him stronger and stronger in battle.

"Ah, how will humanity survive with you as their pillars this weak? I am utterly disappointed with you all, Troan might get sad," Doom said to them.

They all went supporting each other and were healed by the Holy Knight guardian.

"You know what? I don't have a job class. As a result of that, I honed my weapon masteries and stats instead. Yes, all weapon masteries are mine!" Doom said to them.

The Eleven Guardians soon gathered once again and saw that their enemy was not something to be trifled with. He singlehandedly beat the Pillars of Humanity by himself.


It was then, that the clouds rolled back as a scroll, and the light was emanating from within. The wind halted and the movements of all went to a stalemate. All creatures went to a standstill and paused. Soon a figure appeared. Someone from another realm was clothed in white. Descended towards Doom and touched the ground barefoot.

Doom, has seen him before. His heart raced as if it couldn't be possible. He was none other than the strongest being ever to live!

"Alpha! The God of Humanity!" Doom muttered.

Alpha was greatly unhappy with what he was have done and was wearing a dissatisfied look.

"You have transgressed and need punishment! Your soul is tainted and needs cleansing," he said to him.

It was then, that a blinding light appeared and covered him.

"Be purified!"

He soon was glowing with white. Making him kneel in his presence. Doom then saw his destruction and was greatly dismayed with himself. All the wounded men were seen and it made his heart ache in the process. Others were wailing and others were on death's door.

"I will not emerge for long to pay for my sins. But when I am needed, I will appear," he closed his eyes and then breathed out air.

It was then, that Troan re-emerged and his dark armor had vanished. Making Troan visible in their eyes. Watching them, Troan can only sigh. He saw what Doom has made and was disappointed with himself. If not for him to be corrupted or Doom, then there were no lives lost at that moment. It was then, that he was greeted by his students and they all went his way.

"Master!" his students shouted and were in glee after they saw him alive and kicking. They went hugging him and were in their warm embrace.