Last journals

The candle's flicker was heard as moths tend to clash with the flames. A brownish parchment of paper was heard being rubbed by a quail's feather dipped in ink.

An old man was seen writing on an elevated table and his white with some specks of ashen grey hair were what would be seen. His breathing was unstable and was sweating profusely. Wiping off his sweat with the back of his hands.

Paper by paper, he inscribed his letter on the parchment and then rolled it. Putting a round metal ring then pouring the burnt butt of the wax candle on the lid of the letter inside the round metal rod. Sealing it with wax and dipped his seal from his ring.

It was then, that he used the book this time. It was more like a journal and was having a hardcover. Opening it with a ticking sound coming from the buttons.

Beginning to write, the cold wind blew open the window and cold air assaulted his skin. Closing it, he gasped as the chill went down his spine and then sat once again on his wooden chair.

Thinking that it was the right time to write, he started writing off his last letters.

'Listen to my story child as I will tell you about it briefly. For evil has come and the end has just begun. I must tell this story before I will forget all of it or my mind has become senile.

'My letters to you will be my last as my days will be over soon. Be cunning and take up your courage. Help anyone in need, any help will be much appreciated. You might wonder what my story would be but let us start at the beginning this time around.

'In the beginning, the two Gods were born. One was the embodiment of Life and one was Death. The beginning was life and the end was death.

'The beginning was called Alpha and the end was called Omega. Two Gods who didn't meet until one discovered the other. The Prime good and the Prime evil.

'It was then, that the two haven't been on good terms. Each of them was the embodiment of their opposite nature. Only chaos will be the result when they meet. Dislike became rivals and rivals became enemies. The demon world connected to the world of Humans and then they went to kill each other.

'I knew this because I was as old as the first founders of the first tribes. Bearers of great powers that came from Alpha, the God of Humans.

'My memory was not in its best condition after all the millennia I have lived in. And how I knew all this was due to the essence-forming called "Sparks of life".

'I have attained that secret after feeding my mana in my very soul until it became too powerful to pass death. Only making me rebirth multiple times, soul protected from death and survived the cycle of life.

'It was all in my norm but I have stumbled upon a problem. Each time I used rebirth to myself, it was getting harder and harder each time. Each lifetime made my soul resist death but also my mana.

'I can't rebirth any further from this on and I think that it would be impossible to repeat it. I can only sigh at my powerlessness this time around. Now, it will be my last, my last rebirth.

'I have many loved ones who died before my eyes in this journey of life. My family and friends also died after fighting alongside me. I mean not just in the first life but all of my lifetimes. All of them were killed or died in battles.

'Of course, it was not easy but I decided not to suffer from heartache again. Attachments will only make me suffer, and so I decided to be a hermit in my last life; my current one.

'Witnessed many deaths throughout the years. Still, evil was not vanquished. It was only getting stronger with each passing time. Ever since the two worlds connected, the essence of evil was seeping throughout the lands. Monsters and demonic creatures sprouted out and were getting stronger.

'I was getting senile but I think this world was done for. I have traveled in all lands and trained somebody and then left them to become stronger. I hope humanity will stand strong once again by doing this.

'My first life was when I became a Necromancer. Participated in the journeys to vanquish evil. With forces that were great in numbers, we summoners and dark magicians were able to clear some parts of the lands. I remembered that I died achieving victory after fighting a lesser evil.

'So long but my second life was as a Paladin. Not much to recall except that I managed to train fellows that soon became generals. The third life being a Lycan, nothing much happened as we tend to be territorial.

'The fourth was Druid and we protected the World tree our entire lives. Forces of evil surged nonstop and we defended it with all our lives.

'Fifth was a Chaos Knight and we tend to conquer lands. Making the high mountains our new territory. Sixth was as a Holy Knight, we tend to hunt down demons all our lives and we were made to be like that.

'And seventh life was as a Fighter. Monks tend to train all their lives and don't participate actively in reconquering the world from evil. We only tried to protect our homelands and all who tried to touch them will suffer.

'Eight life was a Rogue and the Ninth was a Ranger. As a Rogue, we trained in deadly assassinations of evil forces especially cultists and demon worshippers. As a Ranger, we tend to help actively in missions to conquer evil. Stronger ones tend to hunt alone and so did I.

'Tenth was a Mage and it tends to be one of the hardest to master. Huge amounts of skills were needed to be at your disposal. Last was as a Swordsman, It was a great effort to defend our lands and every day was always a day for fighting.

'My memory has faded a bit and I can't remember some of my past. All I knew was, that there was a discovery that can end the sufferings of humanity. Something that borders life and death, was called "Origin stone".

'The God of life discovered that it can end the life of Demon Gods and the Death God discovered that it can make the demons ascend to beings as a Godly entity themselves. It could grant eternal life and eternal death.

'Wars were waged on both sides for the stones, I was there when it all happened. The Origin stone was given to humanity's greatest beings called Guardians. Also, some demons have ascended to Demon Gods with the help of origin stones.

'They fought the demons together with the guardians and both sides suffered. The war was lost and humans have been extinct ever since. Guardians went recuperating and then also the Demon Gods. The conflict between good and evil was put to a stalemate and humanity was still in great danger.

'For the last effort of the God of humanity, he erected the barrier to stop the Demon Gods from entering his world. Making him use divine energy and making him rest to recuperate his lost divinity.

'Finally, it brought temporary peace but still, lesser evil demons can enter the barrier. They were like eyes of the greater evil from the other side.

'There was no origin stone before and no barrier, only the demons plagued the lands without hindrance. I have seen many gods ascend but were killed in the war. I was there too when the tribe founders were given their powers to fight evil.

'Too many lives lost and still counting. How would this turmoil end? How can humanity survive this continuous slaughter of evil? Even I who lived long enough can't know the answer.

'Putting up the barrier was a victory, but does it all stay there? We were still defeated and it doesn't change. All we could do was hang on to hope and continue to persist.

'Humanity was good at that and will always be. After a good recollection of my memories, hope was still not extinguished. Humans have the greatest potential but were weak to boot. It was up until now, that they never ceased to exist.

'It was hazy but I have dreams, the God of life has requested me for a mission. To possess the guardian stone he has. I refused but he was persistent, telling him that I am not a heroic figure nor does possess its qualities.

'I am traumatized after seeing the deaths of my loved ones many times. Still, he was persuasive. I accepted not because I couldn't, but because no one was left capable enough.

'He told me that my soul will be protected as the Origin stone will protect it and will be able to live through many lifetimes. Still, would it be worth it? I tried to think about it but humanity was hopeless.

'All I could do was accept and let my last life have some greater purpose. He told me everything and then went back to sleep.

'Having some recollection of the dream, I woke up having the origin stone floating on my right hand. A yellow glow was oozing out of its crystalline imagery. Now, I have a purpose.

'I wondered what life would present me from now on. I think it will be fun and perilous, and so my last days have begun...'