Rebirth and Undying

Troan had a dream that he once had. Or was it even a dream in the first place? He saw a staircase on a cloud that descended. Climbing upstairs took like forever. He was walking upstairs with just the echoes of his feet being heard.

He arrived at last at the top and was greatly exhausted. Hands on the last step and then crawled upwards. His mouth was open agape and panting. He was catching up his breath then coughed several times after swallowing his saliva halfheartedly while breathing.

"Uhug! Uhug! Uhug! Ugh! The pain!" Troan smashed his chest several times to alleviate what he felt.

He saw a gate wide and tall, with golden engravings and decorated with precious stones. Also had some sparkling lights that were emanating from the engravings.

He soon went to face the humongous gate that has a ring to knock into. Approaching the gate, he knocked three times and it soon responded.

Ting! Ting! Ting!

The creaking gate soon opened up and he was astounded by what he has seen.

It was then, that he saw a throne that has a majestic design. Even the very pillars of gates were also grand. Golden and full of precious stones.

Upon facing a throne, sitting on it was a person that was robbed in white. His head was laid on his hands perching on it while he sat at his throne. Troan was hesitating to speak as he stepped forward and so the person initiated the conversation.

"Hello Troan, how are you?" ask the person.

"I'm fine, mind if I ask? What is this place?" asked Troan, confused.

"Ah, you are in my realm. I can see that you are confused. Remember me when I went to the palace and gave the tribes their powers and job class?"

"Ah, so you are Alpha! That was surprising! I totally forgot. Many Gods ascended so I had that one not expected. I had that one expected the least, to know that it was the God of creation himself! ," Troan smirked.

"I am an Origin God born directly from the Origin stones. Humans who ascended to Gods were just called Ascended Gods. They were lower in comparison. Now now, we have greater matters to discuss," with just the snap of his fingers, the location changed.

They were inside a room that has a table and it felt mansion-like. The chandelier on top of the room was brimming with golden lights. Troan felt an instantaneous shock at the moment. He was sitting in front of a table with a tea on hand, still steaming.

"So with just a snap, everything changes?" Troan asked.

"Ah, yes. Your tea," Alpha gestured.

"Okay, well, what do you want? I am not here to just drink tea yes?" Troan asked.

"Glad you made things simpler. You are about to be reincarnated for the last time. Or not the last if you want. I will give you my origin stone and protect it. Kill the demons with it and save humanity. You are the only capable one," said Alpha.

"Well, you see I am not heroic in any sense. I am a tired old soul that needs eternal rest. I do want to die and be at peace, I don't care about the world. Ever since I lived and fought, all my loved ones are killed. It made me get tired of fighting," Troan explained.

Alpha then was silent. He was obviously affected by what he said. He clenched his fist and then said.

"Well, the world is not saved all this time because you are rejecting your fate. Many lives could have been saved. I can't tolerate your irresponsibility and ended your rebirth forcefully," he said.

Troan was perplexed, he didn't know it was because of him all along.

"Oh, so it was you. Bring back my rebirth!" Troan raised a voice. It went silent for a moment.

"Okay, in one condition. Save humanity," Alpha said to him.

Troan was in deep thoughts, though the offer was not specifically bad, it would take his all to do it. After deliberately thinking of his chances of success, it was not impossible. Though that would be a trial through fire.

"Okay, I agree,"


"But bring me back my rebirth now or else I will not accept,"

"Okay sure, it was your own powers, to begin with,"

"My powers?" Troan asked perplexed.

"Hmmm, it has been a long time since we talked like this. You are a God in the past. You are Gamma, the God of Rebirths and Undying. It has been so long since you died after shielding the Demon God's attack to protect me. Your soul rebirthed but lost your God status, also your memories," Alpha said to him.


"Yes! You Troan was on Rebirth And Doom was on Undying. You and he are one! Two person in one being! Isn't it great?"

"What?" Troan was perplexed by what he has heard.

"Wow! Two person in one? How is that possible?" Troan paused then laughed.

"Haha just joking, well Doom was pretty much my guardian or some sort. He protects me and wanted anything for my best. Though he was blunt sometimes or appearing cold. But he will be a great company. I hope I can make him a companion in the future," Toan pondered and a great idea came to him.

"Aha! I know just what to do! And I will need a Druid skill book for that!" he shouted.

"That is why you are the only one capable left. With you as a human, that is what I have as a trump card. Doom too!"

"Okay, that is hard to digest but okay. Let me think things through. I am a God?" he paused.

"Yes, you are born from the Origin stone and the third God to be born. An Origin God to be precise. Well, the second one was the demon god of course. But let us discuss that at another time. Time is of the essence, I will give you the origin stones and be its protector," He said then gave him the stones.

It oozed out a yellowish glow and was floating on Troan's palm. It went inside him after it and he felt that his being has become anew. His eyes glowed and he inhaled huge air for a moment.

"The stone is bound on your soul, don't lose it and protect it at all cost," He said to him then he coughed.

"As for your rebirth, I prepared it beforehand. You will rebirth into the son of a Prince of the Kingdom. You should rebuild humanity once again and stand strong. For there will be a war that was coming. At least the humans are prepared beforehand,"

"Um, sure."

"I am greatly weakened as of now. I put up a barrier to hinder the ascended Demon gods to descend on the plains but it was not stopping the weaker enemies from entering. Lesser evils will pass through by summoning on sacrifice altars. I almost used up my divinity and need rest. That is why I am asking for your help," said Alpha then swallowed his saliva.

It was then, Alpha stared at him and was in deep thoughts. It made Troan have weird feelings and a sense of discomfort.

"What?" Troan asked.

"As bonus info, I sensed something weird. I tried to hide it but it seems that you have all the job class imprints already. As well as all the elements, I can feel them with just a glance," Alpha said then winked.

"What? How?"

It was then, that he touched him and Troan glowed. From his body emerged all the imprints and their seal. Glowing also in different colors as well as encircling above him. The elements were also present and were brimming with radiance. Troan was in utter disbelief, he can't believe what he saw. All he could do was watch it with bright eyes. Seems unbelievable to him but he just swallowed his saliva hard.

"You have all the job class imprints as your soul has already received them in your past lives. Also, you have all elemental affinities as your past lives have already had their imprint on your soul. You can thank your rebirth powers from your past life! As expected of Gamma! You are splendid and decent God yourself! Not bad!" Alpha then crossed his arms.

"What? Are you bluffing?" Troan was perplexed. Brows went up with eye-bulging in the process.

"So that means, I can use all job classes now?"

"Yes! Of course! Your soul accumulated all the job classes imprints per rebirth and all its elemental affinities! All elements and all job class!" Alpha bellowed.

"Wow, that's great news!"

It was very shocking on his part. He didn't know if it was real or not but it surely was a great thing for him. Luckily, in the past, he tried to accumulate all job class imprints and thanks to it, he managed to receive all of the imprints. It was very mind-blogging as he felt excited when he knew the info he received. His stomach was churning and butterflies felt like flying inside his belly.

With the fact that it will greatly help him in his future endeavors, he can only smirk and smile while in a stupor.

Troan then took a sip of his tea and was surprised. How can a dream have such realistic taste! Maybe it was not a dream at all. Even he slapped himself twice with both hands and the pain was all real. Thinking that it was not a delusion at all, he then smirked.

"You should rescue your lover though and take revenge, she was your only one in all those past years," Alpha muttered.

"My Ellaine? The Demon God's wife? She was tainted and was corrupted by him. I felt lost and hopeless when she was corrupted. I was weak at the time when the Demon God corrupted her. Making her an evil empress. I battled her too in the past but I can't kill her. She was the reason that I almost gave up saving the world. I am not heroic at all! But there is hope as you can cleanse her. Can you?"

"Yes! Easy!" he winked.

"Okay, it is settled then. I will try to save the world. Let me rebirth for the last time." Troan said to him.