Necromancer skill books

He was handed skill books and Troan put them inside his Necromancer Skill Bookbinder. Specifically, [Skill book: Reaping slash], [Skill book: Bone armor], [Skill book: Summon Skeleton militia], [Skill book: Skeleton summoning mastery], [Skill book: Summon skeleton warrior], [Skill book: Train prowess], [Skill book: Train battle instincts], [Skill book: Ground bone spike].

As he scanned it all, he read its inscriptions from one book to another.


Skill name: Reaping slash

Description: Summon a slash with your weapon

Effects: Deals 10 magical damage that was an extension of your slash.

Cooldown: 7 seconds

Duration: Instantaneous

Damage type: Magic

Skill type: Active

Mana cost: 10

Stamina cost: 10


Skill name: Bone armor

Description: Conjure bone armor that protects your entire body.

Effects: Gives 10 physical and elemental defenses.

Cooldown: 20 seconds

Duration:1 minute

Skill Type: Buff

Mana cost: 20


Skill name: Summon skeleton militia

Description: Summon weak skeleton militia to do your bidding.

Effects: Summon 3 skeleton militias. Wields worn-out weapons and shield that deals 1 to 5 damage in slow attack speed and has 50 health.

Cooldown: 30 seconds

Duration: 1 minute

Damage type: Physical

Skill type: Active

Mana cost: 30


Skill name: Skeleton summoning mastery

Description: A mastery of Skeleton summoning.

Effects: +1 summoning elite skeleton skill limit and +1 summoning skeleton army skill limit. Have 10% of the said skill effectiveness and growth.

Skill type: Passive growth


Skill name: Summon Skeleton warrior

Description: Summon an elite class Skeleton

Effects: Summon a Skeleton Warrior that grows with skill Train prowess and Train battle instinct. Deals 2 to 6 physical damage in normal attack speed and wields a Great sword. Has 100 health points.

Cooldown: 30 seconds

Duration: 1 minute

Damage type: Physical

Skill type: Active

Mana cost: 30


Skill name: Train prowess

Description: Train elite skeleton's stats. Specifically, Strength, Dexterity, Endurance, and, Focus.

Effects: +1 Stat depends on what was trained.

Skill type: Passive growth/Active

Mana cost: 30


Skill name: Train battle instincts

Description: Train elite skeleton class battle instincts and combat potential.

Effects: Increase of Battle instinct and combat potential of the Skeleton.

Skill type: Passive growth/Active

Mana cost: 30


Skill name: Ground bone spike

Description: Summon several bone spikes from the ground that skewers enemies.

Effects: Deals 10 physical damage to an area.

Cooldown: 7 seconds

Duration: Instantaneous

Damage type: Physical

Skill type: Active

Mana cost: 15


It was then, that he closed the books and then wondered what to do. The skills were all in their starting stage and no wonder that Sir Kevin was so strong due to him having the skill "Train prowess" and "Train battle instinct".

It would make his elite skeletons have the battle instincts that he will drill into their minds. Making him smirk at the moment. Also, he has a Skeleton sniper that he can use the skill into. Making him also thank Sir Kevin. If not for his death, he will have remained weak.

As for the other skills, they were all growing. They will have greater effects later on when he will constantly uses them.

As for the other skills, he scanned them all and his tongue was on the corner of his lips.


Skill name: Exploding souls

Description: Cast a soul that explodes on enemy contact in normal attack speed.

Effects: Deal 2 magical damage to the enemy

Cooldown: none

Duration: none

Damage type: Magical

Skill type: Basic attack

Mana cost: 1


Skill name: Soul blast

Description: Cast an exploding soul bomb on the enemy.

Effects: Deal 20 magical damage to the enemy.

Cooldown: 10 seconds

Duration: instantaneously

Damage type: Magical

Skill type: Active

Mana cost: 20


Skill name: Homing soul skull

Description: Cast a homing skull that follows enemies.

Effects: Deal 10 magical and physical damage

Cooldown: 10 seconds

Duration: Instantaneously

Damage type: Magical and Physical

Skill type: Active

Mana cost: 20


Skill name: Dark fog

Description: Summon a fog that blinds enemies but allies can see inside.

Effects: Blind enemies for 10 seconds within the fog.

Cooldown: 30 seconds

Duration: 10 seconds

Skill type: Debuff

Mana cost: 30


Skill name: Summon Skeleton sniper

Description: Summon an elite class Skeleton

Effects: Summon a Skeleton Sniper that grows with skill Train prowess and Train battle instinct. Deals 1 to 7 physical damage in normal attack speed and wields a Bow. Has 100 health points.

Cooldown: 30 seconds

Duration: 1 minute

Damage type: Physical

Skill type: Active

Mana cost: 30


Skill name: Summon graveyard

Description: Summon a graveyard that spawns random skeletons

Effects: Summon 3 skeletons per second that deals 1 to 5 damage in slow attack speed and has 50 health.

Cooldown: 30 seconds

Duration: 6 seconds

Skill type: Active

Mana cost: 50


Skill name: Bone javelins

Description: Conjure bone Javelins in your hands that can be thrown at your enemies at fast attack speed.

Effects: Conjure 6 javelins that deal 2 physical damage each.

Cooldown: 10 seconds

Duration: Instantaneously

Damage type: Physical

Skill type: Active

Mana cost: 10

Stamina cost: 10


Skill name: Bone shield

Description: Summon floating bones that automatically shield you from incoming damage.

Effects: Blocks a total of 30 damage until its end.

Cooldown: 1 minute

Duration: 30 seconds

Skill Type: Buff

Mana cost: 20


Skill name: Ghost summoning mastery

Description: A mastery of Ghost summoning

Effects: +1 summoning ghost elite skill limit and +1 summoning ghost army skill limit. Have 10% of the said skill effectiveness and growth.

Skill type: Passive growth


Skill name: Ghost dash

Description: Turns you into a ghost while dashing

Effects: Turns ghost as you dash.

Cooldown: 7 seconds

Duration: Instantaneously

Skill type: Movement skill

Mana cost: 20


Skill name: Ghost form

Description: You become a ghost.

Effects: Turns to a ghost and deals 2 magical ranged damage in normal attack speed.

Cooldown: 30 seconds

Duration: 10 seconds

Damage type: Magical

Skill Type: Buff

Mana cost: 15


Skill Name: Phantasm

Description: Summons a ghost of you that attacks enemies.

Effects: Summon deals 2 to 6 Physical damage + weapon damage. Has no health but can be dispelled by magical damage.

Cooldown: 30 seconds

Duration: 10 seconds

Damage type: Physical

Skill type: Active

Mana cost: 10


Skill name: Ghost summoning

Description: Summon an elite class Ghost. Can be trained with Train prowess and Train battle instinct.

Effects: Deals 10 Physical and magical damage and was eterial. Has no health but can be dispelled by magical damage.

Cooldown: 1 minute

Duration: 10 seconds

Damage type: Physical and Magical

Skill type: Active

Mana cost: 30


Skill name: Ghost march

Description: Summons marching ghosts in an area.

Effects: Deals 2 physical and magical damage per ghost.

Cooldown: 20 seconds

Duration: 10 seconds

Damage type: Physical and Magical

Skill type: Active

Mana cost: 20


Skill name: Bone wall

Description: Summons a wall made of bones.

Effects: Protects for a total of 100 damage until its end.

Cooldown: 20 seconds

Duration: 10 seconds

Skill type: Active

Mana cost: 10


Skill Name: Grappling hands

Description: Grapples enemies on the ground

Effects: Rooting enemies

Cooldown: 20 seconds

Duration: 5 seconds

Skill type: Debuff

Mana cost: 25


Skill name: Bone hardening

Description: Making the Skeletons have greater durability against attacks.

Effects: + 10 physical and magical Defense and +50 health to all Skeletons.

Skill type: Passive growth


Skill name: Death scythe slash

Description: Summon a magical death scythe that cleaves enemies in an arc.

Effects: Deals 7 magical splashing damage in an arc.

Cooldown: 10 seconds

Duration: Instantaneously

Damage type: Magical

Skill type: Active

Mana cost: 10


"There were many Skill Types, first was Basic attack skills that can be used without cool downs. Active skills that were used mostly to attack damage. Passive growth skills that were passively growing. Buff skills that were giving support and aid in your fight. Debuff skills that were making enemies have negative status on them. Movement skills that were used for evading or getting to enemies. Status skills that can be equipped naturally and can switch in-between the other status skills. And last was the Ultimate skills that can be used as trump cards on tough fights." Troan muttered.

"You can upgrade your skills by using skill crystals,

you need to break the skill crystal and put it on the page. Also, the skills were growing with natural usage and the pages will glow if it upgraded."

He immediately closed the books and pondered. He will have to train each one of them. Making him think about what skills or build he will choose. And all skills have to be trained or used to make them stronger. Thinking about it, the past owners didn't have all the skills but chose their builds and what would be their roles on the team. Making Troan know why they didn't also grab all skills at once.

As he knew that they were expensive and creating one needs hard to find materials. Skill bookbinders were also having been enchanted with unlimited slots of books and Troan managed to get one for himself for free.

Making him thank his sponsors deep within his heart. Their deaths will be avenged and his promise to put down the Dark fellowship will be just the start. There were also lesser evils and greater evils that awaited.