
It was a bright morning and he woke up on a tree beside the road right on its top. The sun's rays were piercing his eyelashes. Making him wake up abruptly.

He slept on the top of the tree branch to have ample protection from animals and monsters alike. Thinking that he will at least not get killed while sleeping.

He was covered with his robes and was sneezing after a cold foggy night.

He climbed down the tree and then paved the rest of the road. It was utterly silent and the wind stopped its breeze. Only to hear the chirping sounds of the birds after they woke up at last. The forest beside the road became lively after their morning calls.

The maple trees then fell their leaves beside the road and it was all covered with red to orange colors. Majestically designing the road with its beautiful art and picturesque ambiance.

Steps crumpled the leaves as well as made it sound. Making his travel lightly lively and not too boring with every step.

After walking for several minutes, he thought of seeing his Character sheet scroll. Making him want to learn how strong he was now. Opening his backpack and its contents, he took a glance inside and saw a scroll in a case. He opened the lid on the side and opened up the scroll like a lock. It has a metallic top and bottom as a handle as he held them. Making him see its inscriptions inside.


[Character sheet]

Name: Troan Eldoria

[Main Stats]

Strength: 13

Dexterity: 21

Endurance: 12

Focus: 10

[Vital Stats]

Health points: 210

Mana points: 160

Stamina points: 270

[Regeneration Stats]

Health regeneration: +4 per second

Mana Regeneration: +4 per second

Stamina Regeneration: +4 per second


He watched it all and he was surprised to see how strong he did get. Looking at his stamina, was by far the greatest ally in his thievery life in the past. Making him glad to see it has that ample amount.

Also, his Dexterity was by far his strongest and has the largest numbers as he was parkouring on the top of the houses in the past. Making it become the most improved out of all his main stats.

All have 100 points for Health, Mana, and, Stamina as a basic things since birth. Also a +1 per second to all regeneration Vital stats in birth as a norm. Making it improved by breaking crystals as you wanted to get stronger.

He was paving the way and put to a halt after he saw a signpost; his hands on his waist.

"Necromancer Citadel–7 miles away."

'Well, another 7 miles. To think that it was so far. I can only hunt food for now as I didn't bring rations with me. Or I will die from hunger if I don't find food sooner or later.'

He then hunted for food and it was an endeavor and he needs to have patience. He first traveled north as he saw tracks of a deer. Paving the leaves-covered terrains, he at last found a buck drinking by the river. Silent and sneaky, he drew his knife as he didn't have a ranged weapon up currently.

Throwing it towards it with great velocity and precision for several yards, the knife pierced the neck on its side. Making it run for a second then slammed its body on the leaves.

Troan then was happy with his game, he finally have food. Putting up a campfire was easy as there were many dried leaves and firewood scattered all around. He used the flint he has then started its sparks. Burning the leaves and then the sticks first.

He undressed the buck first then grilled it. Salt was not available and so he just eat it as it was.

The taste was not so bad but also not so good. It was tougher than beef and it has a special flavor that was musky and very slightly sour or sharp. Making him eat it for food and energy sources but not as a delicacy. Well, if there was some special preparation to cook it then it will be delightful to eat.

After eating, he prepared and butchered the rest then put it in the bag. Hoping he will still have some spare in case of hunger strikes again.

He went to go back on the road and was walking for several minutes, just when he saw a robed man with a staff in his right hand. He was aged and white in his hair but didn't have a beard or a goatee. It seemed that he has formal attire inside his robes that was resembling a butler's.

"A mage?" Troan uttered.

He then cast a spell without him notifying it at all!

[Reveal seal]

It was then, that Troan was shown a crest on the back of his palm and his forehead where his eyes glowed in great radiance. Upon seeing it, Troan saw the memories of his childhood and his mother protecting him on that night when she died. He was in tears after he saw it all. And how the old man found him while he was still a baby.

He was left with mixed emotions about his memories. Aching heart and flowing tears, all were felt and his breathing was raspy. He then wiped his tears up then sniffed the air.

"You are who I'm finding! You are the Lost Prince! I can feel your presence that you are alive even in the Eldoria forest. Prince Paul Eldoria's Son! you are the Last royalty alive! Royal bloodline was erased in the history!" he shouted.

"Who are you? And what did I just see?" Troan asked.

"Oh, Excuse my rudeness. I am your butler, Redmund Eldoria. I am a relative of yours so don't worry," he said then bowed.

"Your father died was killed in an ambush by the dark fellowship. Your mother was then protected and let you escape to the village. I am sorry that I can't be of much help,"

"Oh okay, you see I am quite curious about what I have learned. Can we talk along the way?" Troan said to him.

"Okay, as you wish your majesty. All nobles and royalty were hunted one by one by the dark fellowship until you are the only one who survived. Your identity is a secret so the royalty bloodline will remain. no civil unrest till now luckily. The capital was destroyed and no place is safe. Only Eldoria was a hidden village and a secret place. We are safe there for now,"

"Eldoria village? The Hidden Village?" Troan said as he knew the place.

"Yes! It was hidden by a strong concealing spell that many mages have put up in the past. And your seal grew stronger and I felt its presence that's why I knew that you are alive!" he said energetically.

'Maybe because of my reawakening or rebirth,' Troan said in his mind.

"I was hopeless in these past weeks but then I felt your presence after many years of searching the village of you! Alas! I found you now! I can't help but be in tears!"

"I will escort you to the village of Eldoria where your Fief and people await you!" he shouted.

'Fief and people? Luckily I was a Lord in the past hahaha!' Troan exclaimed inside his mind.

Thinking about it, his past memories of being a Lord was remembered. Having lived and rebirthed many times made him have the experience that he needed up to the task.

The thing was, he was a Lord in the past and made a prosperous land. Managing the realm was his forte and having many rebirths already, he managed to develop the land and its people by training them and passing his knowledge towards his people.

But then, Troan died early of unknown sickness and no medicine can cure him. Not even a cure disease potion made his sickness lifted. He was still single and had no heir to inherit the land. Making him give it to his younger brother. It was a well-lived life and he was happy with it. He closed his eyes and died smiling.

"Well, you see, I am in a hurry to deliver a letter to the Necromancer Citadel. I will request aid for the Necromancers to help in these dire times. Dark fellowship cult is getting stronger and was spreading havoc in these lands. I must go finish Kevin's task,"

"Well, we can visit the village along the way. The Eldoria village is located in the middle of the continent and has all the routes towards all the key places in this land. It is a strategic place for refuge as it was in the center. And don't forget that it has a strong concealing spell," he said.

"Okay that's better, I will have to use the nearest routes then. Do you have spices and salt? I have venison meat with me," Troan winked.

Redmund can only chuckle at his question. To have a Prince that was not spoiled rotten was a good thing. He also thought that being in the village made him what he was today. He was looking forward to knowing him more. He will train him with all he got, he promised that deep inside his heart.

The two chatted while on the way and that they would travel to the realm along the path. It excites him to know that he will once again have land to manage.

What would be his fate there? He still didn't know. All he felt was, excitement and his hands were itching. He missed managing land as a Landlord and he couldn't wait.

He also remembered that he was a Prince and from now on, it will be different. He didn't rebirth as a Prince in the past and didn't know what to do. It was all a first-time experience for him. It felt a bit new for him and it made him feel mixed emotions.

'Rebuilding humanity was the task given by Alpha and I needed to gather all Tribes. I hope I can manage. But being a Prince made it easier. I will have to use my authority for that to happen. Maybe Doom can help as he was a King in the past. Hmmm, or this is something that I will have to learn myself,' Troan thought.