Eldoria castle

The two traveled forth towards the castle. A place of refuge when in dire times of past wars. It was night and the stars showed brightly up in the sky.

Clasped in Redmund's hands was a flickering torch, held as they traveled. Troan has his torch too on his own and the two pave the road towards their destination.

It was a chilly night as the wind blew sideways. Crickets soon sang in the background and some wails of the wild were heard. Making their skin hairs slightly rise as it felt natural to have slightly tense feelings at the moment.

The road from the village towards the castle was a bit far and the place they will go will be something to look forward to. Troan didn't know such a place existed in the past. To think that this rundown village has such a castle. He soon pondered what would be its structure and build.

As a builder too in the past, he knew that constructing such castles and castle walls has great budgets. Especially on the labors of stonemasons that will build the walls with trimmed stones that were lined up and were poured with cement to be held in place. There were bricks too that were on the more costly side to build.

"I see it! The castle! Finally, my own home. I can't think of anything better than that," Troan almost shouted on the way.

The two then saw the castle from afar, stood erect and strong as Troan had seen it. It has tall walls made from trimmed stones and cement made from limestones.

Flags were seen fluttering and torn, weathered from the great time that passed by. It was a long-time memorial as Redmund has remembered its age.

The outer walls have been seen as they approached. Grand canals were heard rushing with water on the bottom of the walls. With a bridge wall that separates the other side from them. Spikes were seen protruding and the gates looked strong.

They entered the bridge with torches held high and saw no guards stationed nor patrolling the place.

It was that they crossed the bridge and saw that the gates were left open. No one was present to open and close it for now.

The second gate that was made of metallic bars were up above them, waiting to be put down when an enemy will attack and has a pointed spike looking down at them.

What greeted them was the gardens that were dried up. Withered and an absence of life itself. Vines sprouted with thorns were seen hanging on the walls.

The two continued to travel and they saw the [Barracks] of the castle. Full of noisy soldiers in the past but was silent as of now. Also, the [Training grounds] still lay with training equipment on them. The [Garrison] that was full of soldiers in the past.

The [Keep] was silent without anyone. The [Cellars and Storages] were empty as they visited the place. The [Stables] were also without anything nor horses neighing and only the [Well] for water source was what greeted them.

The [Blacksmith tent] was without anyone hammering and the [Hardwood crafting tent] was with just the tools left hanging. [Armory] was empty and had nothing to offer.

[Dungeon] was empty without prisoners inside it. [Catapult workshop] were abandoned and [Repair workshop] was empty.

[Farm] was also sprouted with weeds, all covered throughout. [Messenger outpost] has also long been abandoned.

Redmund explained that it was all teeming with great busybodies and a lively place in the past but it was abandoned. Troan was left with thoughts about how such a place would become like this? It was then a question of "What".

A tinge of mystery was felt and it was mind blogging. Troan can't help but feel uneasy.

They soon arrived at the place where they would rest. A mansion that was inside the very walls itself. A tower held high with the absence of the glowing spell crystal above. Banners were seen outside the walls and it was tattered with the endless ripping of the wind on their very fabric.

"Welcome to your home, my Prince! Your father will be happy to pass this to you if he was still alive. Well, he didn't survive the ambush in the past and made your mother escape. I am so sorry for your loss," Redmund said.

"No, it's fine. I am okay," Troan said then sighed.

"This will be a tiring night for me. Let me at least prepare your room and bath," Redmund said then he immediately left for work.

"Ah, let us do it together. It was faster that way, I am eager to rest early," Troan said then winked.

"No, you must rest here. Let me do the hard work, I insist!" he said.

Troan can only sigh at him. They entered the gates and saw the brooding ambiance of the place. A mansion that was left alone for how many years. Even Redmund didn't have the manpower to maintain it at all, all these years.

They soon opened the wooden door with a thud and then what greeted them were dust and covered wardrobe and sofas with a cloth. All others were covered in white cloth and then soon put the torches on the walls.

Troan was then escorted to his late parent's room where their chambers were located. He saw a king-sized bed with curtains and a pair of pillows. Making him see also the picture frame of his parents on the walls. Hanged and was directly facing him.

His parents' faces were seen and were identical to his features. Especially his mother's hazelnut eyes and auburn hair. His round face was of his father's and also his white skin. Making him want to sigh as he didn't even meet them personally.

Still, he was happy to at least see their happy faces in the picture. A painting that was very vibrant with the effects of the candle lights that reflected their radiance on its paint.

Troan then went back downstairs to the living room and sat on the sofa and then became drowsy.

His eyes became weary and it took an effort to stay awake. He still managed to fight off his current drowsiness but it will take his all. He slapped his face several times but his body was giving up.

All those travels and fights took a toll on his body. And he fell asleep without even him knowing.

It was then, that he was woken up by Redmund saying that he should take a warm bath first before getting to sleep. And so he went to the bath and undressed.

Sinking his body into the warm water that was prepared for him. Contemplating what he should plan for his people, he was thinking that he should make a concrete one for their future. It was a must that he will Lord this place as he was the Prince. Making him frown as he has to think of many things.

He was indeed a Lord in the past life but it was not to the extent of being royalty. Only a noble was what he was in the past.

Thinking of the matters at hand, he finished his bath and then went to ask for a census on Redmund. He soon had all the data needed as he was handed all the files by Redmund.

While having tea on his side, he sipped while reading the documents.

"We have 12 families that remain in the village. The other 24 families fled for a safer place as the village was not safe anymore. We have a total of 59 that remained and 96 that were scattered in the vicinity. Lighting up the spell crystal will surely make them go back to the place," Redmund explained.

"Hmmm, then we will immediately plan to retrieve the spell crystal. As for the current villagers present, we need to train them and assign them tasks," Troan explained, sipping another round of tea on the cup.

There were plans that Troan made, one was the defenses, next one was the housings, next was the woodcutting, next was irrigations, and last were hunting and farming.

Defenses & militia drills will give +1 security and +1 militia recruit per day.

Housing that gives +1 population growth and prosperity – construction materials.

Woodcutter's hut that gives +1 construction materials per day.

Irrigations that provide +1 food production and nutrition.

Food distribution that gives +1 morale and loyalty + 1 wellbeing –1 food.

Hunter's hut that gives +1 food per day and +1 nutrition.

Farming +1 food per day and +1 nutrition and well-being.

"Each of the projects was given with workers and they will be trained immediately. The militia drills will have 10 persons that will be trained. They will become trained militia in 10 full days, we need to be ready at least," Troan explained.

"The woodcutter's hut will be given with 10 workers for construction materials and the same with irrigations; also 10 for them. As for the hunter's hut, they will be having 10 to find food. The rest of the 9 will be trained for farming and will farm immediately," Troan explained.

"We can also hold activities in the future like festivals to further increase the loyalty and morale. But for now, focus on those things. We don't have time to waste. I will train the trainer assigned on the task tomorrow myself. I hope we can all survive and stand up once again," Troan said to him.

"Yes of course your majesty! We will!" Redmund said to him.

Looking at the list of his subordinates on the paper, he can only take a deep breath.


[Eldoria village subordinate list] (59 population)

Defenses & militia drills (10 trainees)

Housing (10 workers)

Woodcutters (10 workers)

Irrigations (10 workers)

Hunter's hut (10 workers)

Farming (9 workers)


Troan can only worry a bit, he didn't know if it would be effective in solving their current crises. It will be hard to deal with as they were all back to being on the basics. Living one day at a time; for now.