
Redmund held the candle directly below his face. His face wore a serious expression while talking about his story. His face was trickling with sweat as he say so. Reflecting the sweat with the candle's radiance.

"It was a troubled night at the time. I can't sleep normally and it made me think that something was wrong. I tend to sleep well but it was not at that time. I turned around, doing almost all the positions in my sleep, and covered myself with my pillow. The blanket was turned aside and was sweating.

"It was then, that I suddenly saw a figure outside my window. It felt natural at first as I didn't recognize it a bit. I first thought it was just the shadows of the trees or branches from it. But the realization came late and it was a creature that I saw." he gulped his saliva.

"It then disappeared from sight and was never been seen from that night. Morning came and all the jewelry disappeared. Even the coffers full of gold were left empty!" he shouted.

"It was then, it was haunting me every night while I was sleeping. Watched the windows while it was outside. Sometimes knocking on the door in the middle of the night. More missing jewelry and shiny stuff," he paused.

"Critters, or so-called Demon mantis. Has scythe-like arms and an exoskeleton as hard as iron. Physical damage resistance was its greatest asset. Even the greatest weapon will have trouble dealing with damage. Only magical attacks work on them. Having high sensitivity in their senses and they can see in the dark," he muttered.

"Also having fast movement speed and attack speed. Making them good hunters rivaling the Rogues. They were good serial killers and they reproduce fast. Making their numbers comparable to ants on the ground. They can fly too when they want, be it on the ground or on the air. They were unstoppable,"


"Don't scare me, it's not working," Troan muttered.

"Hahaha!" Redmund chuckled.

"Well, as you are aware. I can't help you this time. You will be alone. I don't want to scare you though. It's just the way it is, what I have said was the truth and I can't sleep well ever since. It was haunting my dream since then." he said sadly.

"It will be a good thing if you can sleep well. I will be solving the matter," Troan then did a thumbs up.

"Don't mind me, you should take caution too. As it was not alone. A whole hive of them was there. It made me shudder just to think that it would kill all of the soldiers in the garrison. And all of them are fed for the queen."

"It was not something good to remember when all of them were killed. They didn't know that we arrived yet here. It was the right time to attack when they were disorganized. When they flock here, it will be the end. Promise me to come back, promise me," he held his arms tightly.

"I will, okay? I will eradicate the whole hive. Plus it will be a feast! More stat crystals!" Troan raised his fist.

"Wait, where was it located?" he asked, lowering his fist.

"To the dungeon, deep inside the depths within this very castle itself. I will pray for your safety, that's all I can do," Redmund patted his shoulders.

"Okay wish me luck," Troan said then prepared his backpack and armed up for the upcoming battle.

"I am adamant to tell you this but I have to. For my conscience is telling me so. If not for my uselessness, it didn't come to this. Forgive me, my Prince, It was my fault why all the guards and soldiers were killed. I became sick and was bedridden. Not recharging the spell crystal on time. Making the Critters have the chance to attack the castle," he said in a sad voice.

"They stole the spell crystal and then left it hidden in their hive. You can say that they guard it there. My instincts tell me that it will not be easy. Also, the remains of my comrades lie there. If there is something to remain. I hope we have them a decent burial after all this," he said.

"I will try, you see I will take up that task. Maybe their remains are still there,"

"My soldiers fought till death with them until I recovered. But when I woke up, all were dead or so to speak, no one was around. Only blood stains remained and several Critters lying on the floor. There were also some scythe arms protruding on some doors and wooden wardrobes. Other critters have left their feet on the floor.

"The Castle was empty. I called and called for many hours, scouring the place for anybody but no one answered. Only Critters that shrieked on the halls replied," Redmund ended his words.

"It was not your fault if you wanted to ask me,"

"But it was my uselessness that resulted in all this,"

"No, your sickness, not you," Troan patted his shoulders.

"Well, care to show me the way?" Troan said, pulling the strap of his backpack.

"As you wish my Prince!"

They closed the door and then arrived at the living room. Still dark and the torches they put were still brightly burning. The living room still has shadowy parts that the torch failed to give light to.

Creaking the main entrance door as they exited the place. Troan took a last glance at the living room before closing it with a thud.

The two then traveled the darkness with just one torch held by Redmund. The dungeon was located at the bottom of the castle outside with a separate entrance. Used to hold prisoners or the ones being interrogated, even torture was not exempted.

As they traveled the night, crickets sang and the surroundings felt alive. The moon has shown brightly above the castle walls and the flags cast a shadow below their feet.

With just several minutes of encompassing the castle, they arrived at the designated place. The door was closed but was shattered open with splinters protruding. Blood stains painted the wooden door and its metal bars used to hold the wood were pried open.

Bent metal was seen on the edges and it reeks decay. Hinges were rusted as the blood decayed the metal. The smell of blood wafted their noses as they approached. Making the two cover their noses.

"My Prince, this mission will be perilous. You can still back out if you wanted. I understand that as a Prince, your life is more important than tons and tons of lives," Redmund said.

"You should just give me your good luck instead. No one will know that the Prince will die as no one knew till now. I am just a beggar and thief, I will remain as a normal person in heart," Troan said to him.

"Okay, good luck, and may you be blessed on your journey. Your return is a must," Redmund said.

"Thanks," Troan about faced and then entered the Dungeon.

He then covered his face with his handkerchief and then lifted his hood. He immediately have relief as the smell was now bearable. Redmund then lend his torch and Troan proceeded.

Looking at the walls, it was painted with blood. More dried blood stains were seen on the brick walls. There was a crumpled helmet seen on the floor and Troan examined it. It was a crack on its forehead and was pierced by a sharp weapon.

Looking at the place some more. It has an office in the first room. Filled with files from the prisoners. Still, it was chaotic for the eyes. Destroyed chairs, tables were turned, and cabinets were lying on the floor.

Troan then saw a huge barred gate and as Troan will assume, it will be the prisoner cells behind it. Still, what troubled him was the hole on the gate and a man can fit in the hole.

Making him wonder what could be made the door has such a forcefully pried open hole. The bend was from the other side towards his direction. Making him assume that this creature came from the other side.

He entered the hole without a problem and then saw the prison cells lined up on the side of the way. Metal bars were what prevented the prisoners to escape with just some beds and hays inside. Several skeletons of those who once lived but bones remained now. Others were still chained in the hands as Troan have seen them.

As he scoured the place, he saw another door. It was open so he didn't lock-picked the door and he opened it wide. Making his eyes wide open as he saw torture tools hanged. Also the torture chair with handcuffs on the chair. Some tools still have blood and bits of dried flesh attached.

But what made him frown was not the discovery of the torture chamber. But the hole on the wall was as huge as his height. He can even stand on the opening and his head will not still touch the top.

More blood stains were seen on the sides of the hole and there was a bloodied helm on the opening. Troan saw and picked up the helm but it seemed heavier. It was not hollow at all! He then saw a skull still attached to it.

"What the hell happened here? Your head was left behind!"