Wandering traveler

Early in the morning, Troan was in the front yard of the castle. Looking at its splendor and glory. Even though the castle was old and weathered. It was still majestically made. He cultivated the gardens and planted roses and tulips while he had the time. Watering them immediately after they were transplanted.

Soon after, He prepared the letters written with his own hands. The report of Dark fellowship attacking villages was its content and then asking for help.

He went towards the messenger outpost and saw the stables with one horse. They successfully tamed it just recently and were still being trained. Luckily, the horse tamer was an expert. Making it a smooth sailing ship on their part.

The horse was fed with high protein beans and napier grass as feeds while Troan arrived. The messenger then saw him and immediately stood up.

"My liege! Messenger outposts are ready for their services!"

Troan handed the letters and the scout saluted him with great respect.

"I will succeed in delivering the letter your majesty!"

"Haha, just call me my lord, but still up to you. Tarry now, the letters are needed to be delivered. There's not much time, we can't waste every bit of it," Troan patted him on the shoulders.

"Yes! My prince!" He then climbed the saddle and whipped the horse.


He sent it towards the messenger and the scout immediately rode his horse. Galloping on the way with its fastest speed.

He tarried and Troan then put his hands on his waist as he watched him getting farther and farther. Troan then went to Redmund who was watching the Waypoint portal. Troan then was curious as to why he was staring at it.

"Any problems?" Troan asked.

"Ah my prince, well the [Waypoint portal] is not working and has cracks. It needs repairs. As for the teleportation spell crystal, it was ready to be installed. The only problem is to install it," Redmund said.

"Ah, I see. Well how can I help?" Troan asked.

"We can repair the cracks first. Both of us can install the teleportation spell crystal after that," Redmund instructed.


They immediately made the construction. The structure was cemented and then Troan put the teleportation spell crystal. Two pillars were repaired and had an arching pointed top like a spire. Redmund and Troan then charged the spell crystal. Infusing with their Mana and then it finally glowed.

"Finally! It works now!" Redmund shouted.

He immediately tested it out whether it works or not. Redmund used a portal scroll and saw a portal appeared. Entering it made him appear on the [Waypoint portal] itself.

"It works!" Troan yelped.

The two then chuckled for a small success and then celebrated. They rested in the night at the time and Troan was reported with a monster infestation in several parts of the realm. Making it dangerous for the hunters to delve into. Not wanting for them to meet their ends, Troan immediately planned to clear it up for them.

He immediately went forth towards the lairs of the monsters. They were basically Demon wolves that were relying on their numbers.

The forest was full of littered bones and skulls of dead animals. Making them a competition on the forest animals that they hunt for food. They were hunting to eat as well.

The place they were huddled was a small cave where they can make it a shelter from rain.

Troan immediately went to attack on the front. Making them smirk while showing their fangs at him.

In the past, he was weak, but now it was different. Ten of them will immediately kill him but not now. He was a Necromancer and an expert at Paladin combat style. Making him a dreadful enemy for them.

Troan then used his summoning skills and let them do the hard work. Making him just stand up while they attacked them.

[Summon skeleton millitia]

[Summon graveyard]

[Summon skeleton sniper]

[Summon skeleton warrior]

They attacked the demon wolves and blood splashed upon their wake. Making the ground bathed with red.

The monsters attacked and they were slowly butchered one by one. Making them all killed in just a few minutes.

Troan collected the crystals and reaped 10 crystals that boasted of +1 Dexterity. Summing it up to +10 Dexterity.


[Character sheet]

Name: Troan Eldoria

[Main Stats]

Strength: 13

Dexterity: 92

Endurance: 74

Focus: 10

[Vital Stats]

Health points: 820

Mana points: 160

Stamina points: 270

[Regeneration Stats]

Health regeneration: +4 per second

Mana Regeneration: +4 per second

Stamina Regeneration: +4 per second


Troan then went back to the village and it was getting lively. He saw many people busy with their own work. Houses burned their chimneys and smoke rose from them. Barks of dogs resonated and chatters were heard from afar. It became busy now and Troan can only feel happier as he glanced at them.

He traveled back to the castle and then rested. Upon his rest, he woke up and stared at the windows outside. Making him see the castle guard patrolling on the outside. All the vacant posts on the castle were slowly filled in. Making the castle a little bit more lively.

[Barracks] has soldiers now. Full of noisy soldiers inside the said building. Also, the [Training grounds] were lively, with the training equipment being used by several militias and soldiers alike. The [Garrison] was full of soldiers and needed to be expanded.

The [Keep] has been stationed with watchers. The [Cellars and Storages] that were empty was slowly filled with supplies. The [Stables] were also slowly put with horses that were tamed from the wild. The [Well] was cleansed now for their water source.

The [Blacksmith tent] was heard clunking with metals and the [Hardwood crafting tent] has started making wooden shields and pikes; bows and arrows too. Making the [Armory] filled with more weapons and armors alike.

[Dungeon] was empty without prisoners inside it. [Catapult workshop] were just starting their training and [Repair workshop] was slowly catching up.

[Farm] was starting to plant seeds with the workers. [Messenger outpost] was now up and ready for their services. [Healing tent] was installed for healing wounded soldiers just in case.

[Research tent] was also made for Troan to research knowledge. [Alchemy tent] was also installed and [Enchanting tent] too.

They finally finished the installation of new tents and Troan rested for a while. Sitting on the window side while sipping tea. The environment was foggy and Troan breathed out steam from his mouth.

It was then, a guard reported that there was a man that collapsed outside the gates. They were wary of its presence as it could be a spy. They immediately reported to Troan and then Troan checked him himself.

Upon checking the man himself, Troan was shocked. It has strange markings on his body. A tribal markings of Druids!

"Carry him in one of the rooms while preparing his food and bath," Troan instructed.

They immediately heeded his commands and let him rest. Night came and the man woke up. Still coughing up a bit.

"Who are you? Why did a Druid come here in these lands?" Troan asked.

"I'm sorry, where are my manners. I am Dreg Termiz; a Druid teacher. I am in great despair child. I left our village that was attacked by the dark fellowship. I am the only one alive that survived,"

"Oh, them again? How many villages are attacked now?" Troan can only click his tongue.

"I don't know, I must report to our citadel and ask for help. But I was chased and stumbled here. I am in your debt," he said then inhaled deep.

"Rest well, I will send you your food," Troan said.

"I must hurry and report this to my superior," he said then tried to stand up from his bed.

"Hey, hey, hey, rest first. Don't push yourself," Troan pleaded.

Troan brought food and prepared his bath. Making him eat the food. Grilled meat and soup with water.

"Where did you find all these on this land?"

"Ah, the villagers gave me those. I refused but they pleaded to give a tribute. Or perhaps an offering," Troan said.

"Ah I see, thank you for the food. I have the energy to go back now. I will give something in return," He said then grabbed his bag. Handing him a skill book.

"Take this, you need it,"

"What!?" Troan was shocked as he looked at the skill book name.

"Skill book: Summon soul"

"Oh sorry, you need the Druid imprint," He said then gave him the imprint. He put his hands towards him and the imprint was bound to his soul.

He put the seal on the book and then Troan dropped his blood on it. Troan's heart was racing. It was the skill that he yearned the most.

"The skill is now yours,"

"Thanks!" Troan shouted.

"Now, I must hurry. Or else your village will be in danger. I am chased by demonic minions and will not want your village to be discovered,"

"I see, I understand. I will escort you myself. Thank you once again," Troan said.

"Haha, I am the one who should thank you,"

It was then, they tarried and the sun started to rise in the East. The torch on his hands and Troan gave him a sack of rations. Troan then said his goodbyes to the wandering stranger. Making him sigh as another one was met in another tribe. Making him want to smile.

"Bye, let us meet once again," Dreg said to him.

"Bye, so long." Troan replied.