Talk With The King

***JAKE'S POV***

I knew that Alex would still be sleeping right now. Not for too much longer, but another hour or so. It was close to sunset when I was taken into the palace and led to where I would be meeting with the king.

"Thank you for coming, Sir Jake. Please wait here for the king. He wishes to speak with you soon." The servant that brought me here was polite and treated me with respect, which was good. They were apparently not being told to be rude to me just for the hell of it. They weren't treating me with animosity, hostility, or any other negative or volatile actions.

"Thank you. I am looking forward to meeting him as well." I nodded at the man that was standing near the door.

"The king will be with you shortly. I will now go and fetch you some tea." He left the room then, seeming to hurry away. That was a little odd. But hey, maybe he just needed to get the tea before the king got here. That could be it.