Final Preparations

***ALEX'S POV***

I don't get why the leaving time was set for the afternoon. I mean, I was going to be asleep. How was I going to get into the carriage? How was I supposed to actually leave with them?

Yeah, OK, it would have been a massive inconvenience for the others if we were going to leave before sunrise. But I mean, at least then I would be able to walk to the carriage. What is going to happen now? Was someone going to carry me? Were they going to push me there in a wheelbarrow? I just didn't know what they had planned here, and that was annoying me. Why was it that I was the last to know everything?

"You know, Keeper, you are really kind of miserly with me." I growled into the empty room that I was in. Alina was busy packing and taking my dish from breakfast back to the kitchen.