The Trip To The Villa

***ALEX'S POV***

"NOOO!" I sat bolt upright as I screamed the word. It reverberated into my ears like I was in some sort of small space. Not to mention, that I sat up so fast, and so far, that I hit my head on the curved edge of the ceiling. Why was the ceiling so low?


"Rose!?" Alina and Jake called out to me as the last notes of my scream bounced off the walls.

"Huh?" I looked around the space that I was in. I wasn't in my room in the palace. I was in a carriage. I could feel the slight swaying motion as we moved along the dirt road.

"Are you OK, Rose?" Jake asked as he leaned in. "What happened?"

"I..I..I think I had a nightmare." I looked around the space and into their worried eyes. "B..but it's strange. I..I never dream. Not since I was cursed. I..I haven't had a single dream until now."

"What happened in the dream?" Alina asked me with concern in her eyes. I knew that she was scared for me.