The Villa

***JAKE'S POV***

I was more than a little shocked when Alex sat up in the carriage and screamed like that. Thankfully though, it was just a dream and nothing was really wrong. After she was settled in after waking up, we ate some food, talked about what fun we might be able to have while we are here on this vacation of ours, and that was it. After that we got to the villa, and it was time to get our things moved inside.

Alina and the coachman, Edward, took all the luggage inside for us. Even though I was not a royal and could help, I was not allowed to touch it. They were both so grateful for the meal that we shared with them that they were treating us very well.

After the luggage was inside, Edward took the horses to the barn and settled into his side building. Alex and I were shown around the villa by Alina who had explored it while unpacking. She was scarily efficient in what she did, to have the time to learn it that fast.