Staying At Harkin’s Place Part 2 (MATURE)

***ALEX'S POV***

I could feel the muscled planes of Jake's back. This body of his was a little different than the last two had been. It was a little bigger and had more muscles, but he still looked and felt the same to me. I guess I was just seeing him how I wanted to, but I truly felt like this was the way that he would truly feel in the real world. I guess I would have to wait until I found out then. If I ever did find out when we were out of here. I hoped that I did though.

I felt Jake's lips on my neck, kissing a trail to my collarbone as he unbuttoned the top that I was wearing. When my chest was left bare beneath him, he pulled back and seemed to marvel in the beauty before him. That made me want to smile, that he looked at me like I was the most perfect woman in the world. I felt happy and loved.