Going Back Home

***ALEX'S POV***

I woke up the next morning still wrapped in Jake's arms. I was also still naked and so was he. This wasn't the first time that we had literally passed out after making love. The second time that we had done this it had ended in the same thing. I didn't mind it though. This was definitely not a bad way to wake up. I could get used to it for sure.

I needed to hurry though. I could see that the sun was already coming up over the horizon. And that meant that I needed to get dressed and get home. Too bad that the only clothes in this room for me were the pajamas. I would have to put them back on before getting my other clothes and wearing them home.

When Jake and I made it downstairs I saw that Jasper had already made breakfast.

"Morning." He smirked at us. "Did you have a good night?" There was more meaning to that than him just asking me if I slept well, but I was going to ignore it.