Devising a Plan

***JAKE'S POV***

I took all of the information that I had just gotten back to my office. I knew that I could technically take this information to the  boss and tell him what needed to be done, but I knew that Skip would be more likely to greenlight the plan if I knew where we needed to go. At the moment, I knew who was to blame for this whole thing, but I didn't know where Alex was being kept. I didn't know where I needed to go to save her and beat the shit out of anyone that dared to lay a hand on her. They were all going to pay, each and every single one of them that hurt her was going to give their dues in blood and flesh.

I thought about that for a moment, about how I was instantly ready to fight about that. And I even wished for a moment that it was one of the other stories, because then I would have been able to kill the people that had hurt her. And that made me sound a little bit crazy. What were these stories doing to me? What were they turning me into?