Someone Else is Devising a Plan

***ALEX'S POV***

I tried not to think about the evil thoughts that were rolling around in my mind. They were smashing into my temples almost nonstop as I tried to figure out what I was going to do. I needed to get out of this place, but I needed to wait for Jake to be the one to save me. I needed to get these seven men to safety, and to make sure that they were not punished for what they did. They really had no other choice but to follow through with this plan of their boss's. And I didn't blame them at all. I knew that, at the moment, I was the only one that was letting them off the hook, but I would make the others see the same things that I see.

I was still being watched throughout the day, which was to be expected, but I didn't mind it at all. I had Sneezy and Grumpy in the room with me at the moment, and they were both too nervous to talk to me that much. I didn't mind that they were quiet though, since I was trying to figure out how to get out of here.