I'm YTA 79

Dumbstruck, Ares stared at the strange reflection in the mirror as it mocked, "I don't understand how you got chosen to be a hunter. You're appearance speaks of failure only. Such a disappointment!"

"Hey, I'm not failure you better not repeat the word or else," bellowed Ares, clenching his fists to control his simmering anger.

The reflection, "Huh! you're really unreasonable. Anyway I have less time with you, see yah next time, loser!"

"I'm not a loser here, ok? All your entire family is!" Ares shouted having no idea that he alerted the rest of the visitors in the bathroom.

They cast him pitiful and fearful looks while they shook their heads as though gazing at a mad man. Ares's nostrils flared in anger and he gazed at the mirror where his original reflection was back in place.

Meanwhile back at the restaurant area, Yohan waited for Ares for more than half an hour. Perhaps had he slept in the bathroom? he thought inwardly while gazing at his smart watch.

Just then a boy who seemed to know Yohan said to him, "Hey, Yohan you better go and check on Ares. I think he's going psycho."

Having conveyed his message, the boy paid for his meal and left the restaurant. Yohan adjusted his glances and advanced towards the bathrooms. Entering the door, he found Ares leaning on the wall all looking haggard.

Yohan shook his head and helped him up and slowly guided him towards to his lounge for a rest. Yohan, having worked for PCC secured quite a lot of money hence he could survive on his own unlike Ares.

Reaching the lounge, Yohan made Ares to rest on one of the large sofas and then left the lounge. Time flew by and the city was eventually covered by darkness and Ares had no idea of this.




~Tick Tock, Tick Tock~

Went the sound of the analogue wall clock which hang in a slightly hidden corner of the room. It was the only gadget with an old version of technology however, the fact that its outer surface was coated with diamond stones it wasn't to be underestimated.

"Ares Maltimore! You have five seconds to wake up," commanded a voice in a hypnotic which seemed familiar to Ares.

The voice seemed to vibrate in Ares's mind so much that he flattered his eyes open. Opening his eyes, he found himself in strange space surroundings by a couple of closed of doors.

He was sure he had never been here before.

"This is virtual. Perhaps it's just a dream," he murmured softly and closed his to sleep.

Barely had he heaved the first breath a magnetic voice rebuked, "What a useless pathetic loser!"

The thing that Ares had hated most was being called a loser. Briskly opening his eyes, Ares shouted, "Repeat that again, who are you calling a loser!"

A bright light suddenly sifted into the strange room causing Ares to shield his eyes from it. The light gradually faded as a young boy appeared, hovering before him like a ghost.

"I'm YTA 79 You're system and you're being summoned for a Villain hunting system!" Reported the young boy in a robotic voice.

The dumb founded Ares could only stare at the boy before him who wasn't even half his size but bore an imposing stature. The young boy focused in space an suddenly large screen appeared projected from his left eye.


Name: Ares Maltimore

Status level: 0

Skills and abilities: None

Character traits: bad tempered, lazy and careless

Goal: none

Appearance: Dark hair, tall, black eyes, sharp nose

Role: Villain Hunter>>

Gazing at the screen with a gloomy face he muttered, "What hell is this?"

Nonetheless, he knew the so called strange system didn't lie. He was simply dumb and dense just as Yohan said. Apart from his character traits the rest seemed a bit strange to him but he felt like those things only appeared in video games.

'Did I perhaps reincarnate in some video game?' he wondered.

His train of thoughts was interrupted by a robotic voice, "Ares Maltimore, you must hunt for all the villains in Villains era."

Hearing the words villains era, he thought it looked familiar before he could ask a question, he felt himself lose balance as he fell. But he seemed to be falling in an endless dark hole. Cold air gushed towards him blowing his hair and the casual clothes he wore for racing.

The next few moments he felt his legs touch the ground. However, the adrenaline rush from the earlier sudden fall still lingered like a hangover. Ares scrutinized the foreign surroundings before him. It was another whole new city with more advanced tech than his home city.

Tall sky scrappers here and there with flying vehicles and people freely moved here and there. Gazing at the city before him he felt though he had just travelled to the future.

Just then a screen hovered before him with a couple of words scribbled on it. Then the monotonous voice of Engefaz YTA said.

Mission 1: Fit in the city to level up>

Ares stared at the first mission smirking, "Heh! What an easy mission! Isn't it just fitting in?"

Ares crossed the road and headed towards a tall buildings labelled Pro Gamers. Ares arrogantly entered the building where his emergence earned him a couple of gazes which he didn't seem to notice.

Heading to one of the playing stations he began, "Hi! What game are you playing? Wanna compete?"

The smile on his face didn't seem to attract the others as they cast him defensive looks. First of all, judging from his clothes, he didn't seem to be one of them. One of the gamers stepped forward and scrutinized Ares from up to down like an X ray laser.

He shook his head and just then he raised his arm and suddenly, Ares who seemed oblivious to the danger coming simply smiled thinking that the guy had acknowledged him.

Barely had he taken a step further towards the play station an inch away from when he felt a pair of restraining arms pull him from behind. He didn't know what happened but in the next moment his butt hit the ground hard and the door to the game shop were closed.

Before he could decipher what happened, he heard a robotic voice say, "Mission incomplete, no points earned."

In a blink of an eye Ares was back to his world where he heard a familiar nagging voice call his name, "Hey, Ares! Ares! it's already 7pm. Wake up!"