Mission Accomplished

Ares did his usual routine of playing games and at round 8pm, he went to the hospital together with Yohan to visit his great grandfather who was comatose.

Just like that, midnight arrived when the two friends returned to the academy hostels. Even though his great grandfather was in the hospital, Ares didn't return to the Maltimore mansion.

As he laid on his bunk bed, he stared at the white ceiling. While his friend, Yohan drifted to sleep he didn't seem to be sleepy. Just then a voice announced in his mind, jolting him from the thoughts

"You have an incomplete mission," it stated.

A screen appeared before him but it had a single word with a green button like icon. Once again the voice instructed, "Click the green button to start your mission."

Ares raised his arm and dramatically clicked the button. In the next second, he felt wind gush around him and then the surroundings changed into a large city which he recognised as Mobodoon.

Just as he was still taking in the breathtaking scenery, a voice interrupted, "You have half an hour. Note if you fail the first mission, the people in your world will suffer severely."

Ares who hadn't taken the mission seriously, was taken aback as his eyes widened in shock. He had been too impulsive and unthoughtful. Just like his home city, Morbius, Mobodoon was dark as well. No moonlight but a clear sky and the earth all lit like stars themselves.

The tall skyscrapers stood majestically while the flying automobiles and the ground vehicles moved up and down. Ares, solemnity and determination appeared on his face while he vowed to complete the mission.

Ares crossed the road and entered a single storeyed building labelled 'Universe'. Inside the building was spacious with neon lights hanging at the ceiling and one side of it had a snack lounge while the other side was a game station.

He first analysed the area when the robotic system voice sounded, "50 Mob coins granted."

Ares stared at the coins and guessed that perhaps they were the currency coins. Heading to the counter, he ordered for a drink and fortunately or unfortunately all the drinks were marked with a trademark 'Mobodoon'

He slowly sipped the drink but his motive was scanning the environment. Suddenly, his eyes caught a glimpse of a young teen almost his age. He was playing games but he didn't seem to pass all the missions in it.

Having paid for his drink, he advanced towards the playstation where the teen was playing from. The young teen turned to look at Ares though with a frown on his face. Ares flashed him a friendly smile.

"Hi," Ares began with a smile.

The teen ignored Ares and kept on playing despite the number of times he failed the mission in the game.

Meanwhile, Ares was having a hard time putting up with the teen's rude behaviour however, recalling the threat he was given, he could only swallow his simmering anger.

"Need some help with your game?" He probed but all he received was a silent treatment.

Ares who was used to people fawning over him and ignored them, was now having a taste of his own medicine. Ares clenched his fists when suddenly an idea hit his head.

Looking beside the teenage boy was another playstation with a game similar to that of the boy's. He inserted a few mob coins and began playing. Though the game was foreign to him, Ares managed to tackle it in a few seconds.

Within a few minutes seconds, Ares won all the missions given to him. He was still playing when he heard a voice exclaim behind him, "Man! Did you just play all the missions in Era of Valor?"

So hysterical and shrill was the boy's voice that it attracted the attention of other players. They all cranned their necks to see the culprit. Slowly by slowly, a small crowd formed around Ares, spectating him play the game.

His moves were fast and could be compared to some of the pro players in Mobodoon. They stared in awe at him while others were quite envious of him.

"He's good, his moves look similar to the hidden Code Enzo's," said one of the juveniles.

Another retorted, "No! How can he compared to Code Enzo? Maybe if you say Shurin Keph. He is still a noob for Enzo."

Nonetheless, to Ares it was already a good start that he managed to fit in. A smile crept on his face as he tilted the game pad, controlling the movements of the character in the game.

Eventually the game ended and just in time for his system announced, "Mission Accomplished."

A screen popped before him showing his status of the mission.


Level 1 unlocked

Skills: 1

Xp points: 100>>

Within a second, Ares silently exited the building and the surrounding began changing. In the next moment, he was back in his bed in the Blackendo hostels. He had just saved a million of lives and he couldn't believe it.

Ares didn't know how or when but he fell asleep until morning. Finally, the clock struck 7am and he unusually woke up earlier which surprised Yohan.

"Hey, Ares did you have a nightmare?" Yohan blurted trying to hide his curiosity.

Ares stopped his hand which was combing his hair and frowned, "Why? Why so?"

Yohan, "You woke so early. It's....so unlike you."

Ares simply smiled and continued combing his hair, "Just take it as me early bird practising."

Since the two were in holidays, the routine was still the usual, games, racing and visiting great grandfather in the hospital. However, to Ares a new exciting yet dangerous adventure awaited him.

The sun finally set and the moon rose in the sky. Around 8pm, the two best friends were at their favourite spot, game cafe, particularly the Tech Haven which belonged to Yohan.

Ares was still playing his favourite game when his system beeped, "Ares, there's a new mission for you."


Question is will Ares discover the Villains without being found out as a Maltimore?