Chapter 35

Zelda added as she stood up. She was covered in bruises and cuts but it seemed as though they were all nothing! She stood and charged towards Sandstorm and he cackled before kicking her away.

"Protect him? When you can't even protect yourselves, who is going to protect you?" Sandstorm asked with a cackle as he kicked Zach away, something hit him sending him to the ground as well. 

"Who was it? Who did it?" Sandstorm shouted enraged. No one had hit him like that in a long time ever since he decided to join Exodus. So who had dared?!


"You people have gotten gutsy, huh?" Sandstorm said as he got up and he looked very furious!

Zach had been flying and Ares had caught which Sandstorm happened to see. He smirked as he wondered whether or not it was Ares who had sent him flying.

"Who do you think you are, to come and wreak havoc in our lands? Trying to kill our people?" Coby asked Sandstorm as he stepped out of the shadows.