Chapter 36


The ocean softly caressed the shores, the gentle splash of the waves eroding part of the sand into the sea. The winds softly howled swaying the palm trees to and fro. A little boy with messy blue hair happily played with beach sand, enjoying the scratchy feeling it gave in his small palms. Beside the boy, sat a brown-haired old man with a green magic ball spinning in his left arm. His expression turned solemn occasionally as he vigorously spun the globe.

The globe sparkled brilliantly, forming a constellation of star-like misty and twinkling crystals above him. For a moment the little boy halts his game and fascinatedly stared at the twinkling stars above.

"Wow, so beautiful," he exclaimed with eyes shimmering in wonder. "Dad, can I make those too?" Questioned the little boy, his shining orbs glued at the misty stars.