

"Bella, Bella, what happened?" Isabella's unconscious mind heard a voice repeatedly calling her name, asking her to open her eyes, but she couldn't do so because of the clouded barrier in her head.

"Beth, splash the water," Danny said to Beth and Patted Bella's cheeks.

"Bella, wake up."

Bethany took little water in her hand and splashed twice Bella's face while Danny ran her fingers through her hair.

Isabella opened her eyes with a groan but had trouble adjusting her vision. Her hand came to block the light on her face, giving her eyes time to adapt to the glare.

"Bella," Bethany's voice reached her mind, which shocked her, and she opened her eyes in a jiffy.

"Beth, Dan," Bella called and Danny hugged her when she saw her scared. They didn't know how she got to the girl's restroom, but the way she just looked at them, something could have happened to her.

"I met Casey on the second floor," Bella said, choking her breath. She looked scary and different as if she was not Casey, another thing in Casey's skin.

"What?" they both shouted and their voice echoed in the restroom before repeating the same question to Bella to confirm that they heard right.

"I met Casey but something was different in her," Bella mumbled with closed eyes, recalling her words and her face. She was pale and in pain, as her eyes depicted. On the contrary, her strength was indescribable. She made her fly away with one shove and her neck was held so tightly as if a snake coiled around her neck.

"You met Casey? What was she doing here? Where she is now?" Bethany asked seriously as they both sat beside her and hold Bella's shoulder to give her ease.

"She came to meet me and she was talking strangely. I didn't understand anything, but when I jumped on her to fight, she blew me away with one push and I hit the wall. The next second she grabbed my throat while speaking reward and we are different, sort of strange words. After that, I fainted," Bella explained the whole scenario, but then something came to her mind that she forgot to ask.

"Do you guys take me here?" Isabella asked and paused for their answer.

"No, we've got your message that you're waiting in the toilet," Danny replied, frowning at Bella. They also got scared seeing Bella unconscious. After receiving her text, they thought she might revamp her makeup, but didn't expect to see her out.

"Then who brought me here?" Isabella asked, confused. It was obvious that someone had taken her here, but who was that person and where did Casey go?

"How will we know that?" Bethany answered, and Danny nodded.

"What is happening?" Bella mumbled. The whole incident was vague to her. There must be another person involved, but who?

She turned her head to Danny and Bethany and said, "Let's go to the floor."

Both of them nodded, and they walked out of the washroom together. They asked Isabella if she was alright to walk fast and Bella bobbed her head straight. After that, their gait became faster than before.

Bella looked over her shoulder to see if anyone was following them, which wouldn't be good. As they reached the corridor, they found it pitch dark. No light was on. Bella swallowed her fear when Bethany and Danny whispered, "Why the lights were off?"

"Switch on the phone torch," Isabella suggested, and they hummed in approval. The torch worked together very well, at least enough to look near their feet' distance.

Bella looked down at her feet and then looked forward with calm steps. "Bella, where did you see Casey?" Bethany whispered in fear. The whole corridor seemed to her an abandoned, haunted place.

"A little further," replied Isabella and moved on when her heels cracked something and they all heard a breaking sound.

"What is that? Careful everyone," said Isabella, and she also became wary, while everyone took down their torches to see where they had stepped.

Isabella moved her heels from it and saw a piece of glass. She picked it from the ground and looked at it closely when she heard Danny, who gaped loudly.

"There is more."

As the light fell ahead, they saw more. For a second, Bethany and Danny wanted to give up. Their heart didn't want to move on fearing the unknown danger.

"Where do these glasses come from?" Bella said and turned her torch here and there. That's when she found the corridor lights were broken. None of them was intact, each of them was shattered.

"Did Casey?" Danny struggled to finish.

"I don't know," Isabella answered, and she felt threatened to go further.

"Let's go from here," Bethany said and Isabella hummed, swallowing her feelings back.

They went to the parking lot when Noah called.

"Hey, where are you? We are about to announce the winner," Noah said loudly, because of the music.

"Noah, father had called me. I need to leave. Also, I am feeling a bit tipsy," Isabella said while Bethany and Danny were waiting for her to finish the call. So that they can go to Bella's house, as they have decided to stay with her tonight. They had a lot to discuss.

"Okay, I'm coming. Where are you?" Noah said, but Bella stopped him by saying, "No, don't. Danny will drop me off. You enjoy it and tell me everything about the secret room later. Bye." Isabella hung up, disappointing Noah, who had lost his mood already.

Their car left the college with tension in them. Isabella was converging the threads to each other. Who saved her from Casey was a big mystery. Who else saw her and Casey and who broke those lights? Everything was a puzzle but linked.

Their Car was at the top speed, and Danny broke traffic rules. Yes, she got careless, as the road was free.

This was her bad habit. However, they didn't think they would face an enigma.

In an instant, a beam of a human figure passed in front of their car and Danny braked her car with a stiffened posture, trying hard to avoid crashing.

It caused the car to spin twice before stopping with a loud screech sound.

"What the fuck!"