A meal with Xavier


"When are you leaving?" Isabella inquired with a disappointed face and didn't know why, but without him around her, she felt her heart miss a beat.

"Early morning," Alexander told and reached for her hand. Bringing it to his lips, he placed a kiss. The dismay on Bella's face made him delight. At least he now knew that he mattered. That felt good.

"Okay," Bella nodded her head.

"The butler will come with the dinner. Eat and go to sleep," Alexander suggested to her with care, stepping back from her.

"And you? Are you not going to eat?" asked Isabella with a frown line on her forehead, wondering why he would not eat.

"I'll, but before I need to complete things," Alexander said vaguely, holding her shoulder, he released a sigh as he finished.

Isabella offered a tight-lipped smile with a troubled heart and Alexander turned to the door, but before he could leave, Isabella grabbed his arm from behind.

"Wake me up before leaving," Isabella said.

Alex rotated his head back and smiled slyly, as his words were about to embarrass Bella.

"Do you know you have missis quality?" Alexander poked fun at her upkeep words. For a moment, Bella was confused until she saw him laugh.

"Weren't you going out? Leave, don't waste my time," Isabella said, narrowing her eyes. She would not give him any more chances to tease her. He was making frivolity when she was speaking about her trepidation; such a bad guy.

"Don't be horny in your dream. It's your fault we did not finish," Alexander said with a wink while making his way out, ignoring Bella's glare at his back.

As she locked the door, she took a second to be normal, and she smiled.

"He's crazy."

Right then she heard her phone ring on the table, which she didn't notice until now. She ran and picked up the call. Her father called her. Because tomorrow she was about to meet him.

"Yes, dad. Missing you," Isabella said, sitting by the window.

"Miss you too. When will you be home?" She heard her father's exciting voice. He was equally thrilling as Bella.

"After college, duh! I have only one class tomorrow," Bella answered.

"Bring your naughty friends, too," Bernard said.

"They will tag along. Don't worry," Bella answered with certainty.

Later, they wished each other good night and cut the call. Bella put on her sleepwear, leaving her hair open until she ate her dinner. Her doorbell rang, and she knew it was the butler with her meal. Although she was feeling hungry, she did not feel like eating alone.

She walked to the door and opened it with a small smile, but it dropped to the ground, seeing Xavier with the food tray.

"Such an ungrateful lady!" Xavier commented, holding the tray in front of her.

"What are you doing here?" Bella asked, narrowing her eyes on him, then came down to the covered food, which was smelling great, indeed.

"To serve you the food, milady," Xavier joked, bowing his head.

"I don't like jokes, but thank you. Now you can go," Bella quickly dismissed him as if Xavier was a servant and came to serve food. Now, Bella wouldn't need his service, so she wanted him to leave. How rude!!

"Are you kidding? The food on this tray is for two people, you and me. This means we will eat together. Now, move." Xavier's words surprised Bella, and when this plan was made? she asked herself. Alexander didn't mention it. Bella rack her brain and followed Xavier as he walked in. He strolled, wandering his eyes as if he was in his room and searching for some stuff. That didn't stop Bella from frowning.

"I did not welcome you," said Bella when she saw the man sitting on a nearby chair, which had a small table for tea that he had taken as a dining table.

"I don't see a reason for not being here. I have sat down, you also sit down, we can have dinner," Xavier replied in a calm tone, not bothered by Bella's words. His head was straight and his hand cleaned the two plates with the silk towel.

Bella breathed a sigh and grabbed the hair tie from the table. Her mind was still suspicious, but she could not just kick him out. However, she wanted to know something.

"Does Alexander know about you coming to my room?" Isabella asked and made her way to the table.

"Why? Is he my father or are we doing some scandalous thing that we need to hide from your boyfriend?" Xavier brazenly answered, having no shame when he knew who she was.

"Your words suit your nature," Bella replied, folding her hand in front of her chest.

"Thank you, Milady. You can sit down," Xavier said with a smile, while Bella was still persistent not to fall for his words.

"O, come on, sit. Maybe I will tell a few things about Alexander." Xavier further lured her by taking Alex's name, which did work super fast, as Bella had taken her place.

Xavier grinned and opened the lids of every pot. Three dishes smelled absolute heaven and exotic fruit salad, Omg! It made the entire table appetizing. Bella thought within.

"You are not obedient. I was wondering how is he tolerating you for the last three days," Xavier commented, scooping up the shrimps and corn for Bella.

"You are nobody to me, to whom I'd answer," Bella gave him a serious answer, as his previous remark irked Isabella. What did he mean she was not compatible with Alex and he should leave her? And what was this obedient actually meant because she heard it a couple of times in Alex's mouth?