Chapter 60 - Have Some Faith In Her

Echo kept her eyes on him, while Damon felt so much tension from the situation, he had no idea what to do. He squeezed his eyes closed, and stood up straight with pursed lips.

"We should get going," Damon stated. He opened his eyes, and immediately turned his gaze to the bike next to Echo's.

Echo switched the engine on, and turned to Damon, "I still don't know how to…"

"You'll figure it out. It ain't rocket science!" Damon shouted back, as he revved the engine on his bike, riding away.


Back at the Protector's Manor, Sebastian and the commander were sparring at night. The field was empty, and the only sound made was their swords clashing. A small gust rustled the short grass, occasionally.

"Shouldn't you be having dinner with your family?" Sebastian asked, as he blocked the commander's sword. He swiftly moved around and pointed his sword at the back of the commander's head.

The commander felt the cold metal touch his skin, but he stood in place, "And what would you be doing then?"

Sebastian tilted his head as he responded, "I'll be practising. Everyone knows that I can beat you quite easily, so there's no use of you being here."

The commander sighed. In a flash, his sword reflected the silvery moon and he threw Sebastian's sword a few yards away. Sebastian's sword stabbed the ground.

"I think you underestimate me, Seb!" the commander brought his sword next to his sparring partner's chest.

"I doubt you can actually stab me," Sebastian stretched his arms to his sides while walking towards the commander's sword.

The commander glared at Sebastian. For anyone watching, it looked like the two were in a heated battle, and the commander was about to stab Sebastian.

"Try me!"

Sebastian took another step closer and the sword pressed into his chest. A little more pressure and it would pierce through.

The two men stood their ground without backing down, until Sebastian gave in, "Fine commander! You win!" He backed away, and walked to get his sword. He wasn't so happy giving the commander the win, but at times the commander was too arrogant to give in. It was something that Sebastian admired about him, but it was annoying too.

"See! I can beat you," the commander teased, as he twisted his sword in his hand.

Sebastian picked his sword up, and turned to the commander, "Don't push it Kylo. You might not like the results of our next match," he scoffed.

The commander gave a slight smile, as he moved towards one of the benches that was overlooking the field. Sebastian followed him.

"I wonder how the witches' champion is doing!" Sebastian expressed as he sat on the bench beside the commander.

"She's a strong kid, have some faith in her."

"How am I supposed to have faith in a kid that just appeared about a month ago? She even failed her first mission. I think she's trouble," Sebastian replied, leaning all the way back on the bench.

"Everyone makes mistakes Seb. How many times did you fail a mission? If I were to place a captain for the Elites based on the lowest number of missions failed… I doubt they'll be any good. Mistakes help you learn. If you don't make mistakes, I don't think you'll remember the lesson from it."

"Thank you very much for your advice, commander!" Sebastian answered in a sarcastic voice. The commander turned his gaze to him, and he simply smirked at the commander once they made eye contact.

The commander sighed loudly, "You've turned into a real jerk."

"I've always been like this, you just became… whatever this is. You literally break up fun as your job, so I guess you forgot how to have fun!" Sebastian smiled as he stood up as though he was victorious after finishing his enemy with a final blow. He swiftly walked away without saying another word. The bottom of his cloak flew back as he strode away.

The commander shook his head sideways, "I guess we both have always been like this old friend!"

Echo was following Damon, who was recklessly weaving in and out of traffic. She wondered what had changed so much for him to be this careless with his life. Was being a demon making him more reckless? Or was it because he thought he had nothing left to live for after the accident?

Damon was in a hurry to get to his destination. He needed to get there in time for the reservation, and they were so close to being late. He knew how dangerous it was to be riding so carelessly on an already busy street. Plus he was with Echo, the last thing he wanted was her to get hurt.

They arrived at a large building with several luxurious cars parked in front of it. Damon stopped in front of the entrance, and Echo pulled up alongside him.

The valet took the bikes to the parking lot, leaving the couple alone at the entrance. Damon gently held Echo's hand.

Echo glanced inside the building when another customer walked out. It was a well lit, luxurious restaurant. She glanced down at her clothes, and at Damon.

"What were you thinking, Damon? I am not dressed to go in there!" Echo whispered while trying not to gain any attention.

Damon turned his gaze to Echo, and glanced at her from top to bottom, "I think you look perfect in the outfit."

"Damon…" Echo felt a cold finger on her lips. She glared at Damon who was simply smiling, and then dragged her inside.

Echo was excited to be there, and so to her surprise her legs began moving towards the door. Her heartbeat rose again, and her mind raised with so many thoughts.