The Nun

For the next forty eight hours, little Aiden and Lucien spend the rest of the time touring St. Louis Church, the farm, and the nearby forest. Lucien wanted to go back to the willow tree where they were hiding last night, but Aiden was reluctant to let him go.

Lucien patted him.

"It's okay. Everything's fine. Stay here. I will be back."

Little Aiden is like a dog wagging his tail for Lucien. He refused to be separated from him, not even for a minute. When the orphanage offered them breakfast, lunch, and dinner, Aiden stubbornly stayed close to Lucien and asked him to feed him.

The nun with the owl's eyes and a stiff body is temporarily in charge of St. Louis Church. The Father left for some business in Hailshore City. Leaving the nun to look after thirty plus two children.

The nun did not say anything, she neither say you can stay but it was obvious how she gave them extra change of clothes and food that they are welcome to. And the children were willing to play with Aiden. It's Aiden that's the problem. Whenever Lucien turns to leave the room, Aiden will bolt after him like a dog and stick to him like a lizard.

Just like now…

Lucien is at the door. He just opened the doorknob, but almost got tackled to the ground after little Aiden jumped on him from behind.

"Where are you going?"

"I will be back." Lucien reassured him. He stroked Aiden's soft hair and tried to free himself from Aiden's grasp, but the boy, to his surprise, climbed up to his back.

Aiden's two arms are wrapped around his neck. His two legs are wrapped around Lucien's leg.

The other children of Aiden's size came out to play on the farm.

"Ahhh! Piggy back! Lucien! Lucien! Carry me too!"

"Me too!"


It did not take a minute for Lucien to be surrounded by cute little fledglings with shining innocent eyes. Before he knew it, one, two, and three little crawling midgets hung themselves around his legs, making him kneel to the ground.

The twenty one year old shut in otaku felt his muscles ache all over. Ugh, this is tiring. He wants to voice his complaint, but the shining brilliant teeth and melodious laughter stops him from saying anything.

They are all adorable. For some reason, he was suddenly reminded of his past. In the orphanage where he used to grow up, being left and abandoned by his mother wasn't easy. But he was able to recover thanks to the warmth the orphanage provided for him.

He just hopes this kind of environment will warm Aiden's heart. Two hours were wasted playing outside the farm. After clinging to him, the children did not let him go. They force him to play hide and seek, jump rope, and capture the flag.

The twenty one year old shut in otaku can't match the children's unlimited energy. After playing three rounds, he gave up. He went back inside and drank three whole glasses of water.

As expected, Aiden is tailing him, grinning while wrapping his arms around his arm, giggling like an idiot. Lucien patted his head and tried to free his arm out of Aiden's clutch.

He still can't. No matter how much he pulled, Aiden's grip was still strong. Lucien can only give up.

"Do you want to go with me?"

"Yes!" Aiden immediately beamed and rubbed his face on Lucien's chest.

They were about to go up again when they heard voices in hushed whispers on the second floor. The stairs heading up are right beside the door. The center is the hall where the glass windows of the saints are painted. Rows of wooden benches are arranged horizontally for mass.

It was a voice they hadn't heard before. The voice of an adult. The two looked at each other. Lucien is having second thoughts about checking out whose voice it belongs to. But Aiden pulled him up.

Little Aiden's strength is much stronger than before. He was able to half carry half drag a foot taller Lucien into the second floor. They arrive at the elusive door with a hanging cross.

The voice is coming from the inside.

"I told you not to come back!What if you transformed?!" This voice belongs to an older woman.

"I can't! My body's deforming! I need a place to hide!" This voice is much raspier and shrill. Lucien can't identify the gender.

Both argued in hushed voices. They try to keep their voices lower while keeping their anxiety and anger in check.

The two argued for a few minutes more. But the voice is too low or garbled through the shrill voice, so they can't pick up anything. Lucien and Aiden lean their ears against the door.

But the old woman is angrily stumping her foot, heading towards the door. Lucien immediately pulled Aiden aside and hid in the corridor on the right. They were both heaving breathily. Scared if the woman and the raspy voice she was arguing with heard them sneaking around.

They heard the door open, and the footsteps suddenly lighten. Lucien and Aiden peak through the wall down the stairs.

Lucien already guessed who it was, but seeing with his own eyes is still shocking. The old woman who came down is none other than the nun with owl's eyes.

Their breath is suddenly caught in their throat. Aiden did not expect it either. For a few minutes, they waited for the nun to disappear from where she frequently visits.

Only when they were assured that the nun was finally gone did they come out and stare at the elusive door.

"Lucien, I –"

Lucien covered Aiden's mouth. The shadow below the door moved and immediately hid in the corner. No doubt, the voice heard them too. Lucien pulled Aiden down the stairs.

Just when they were about to come out of the door, the face of the nun with owl's eyes glared at them from the window seat.

Their hearts skip a beat. Lucien immediately racked his brain for what excuse he would give.

"Found you, Lucien!" One of the kids jumped into the window, leaning his elbow against it, and grinned at him.

"Ah! Aiden too! Lucien, you're 'it'."

Lucien shoved Aiden out the door.

"On the count of ten!" A burst of laughter rang out outside. Lucien cleverly adapted to the situation and went after Aiden outside.

"One!" Lucien covered his eyes with his elbow. Leaning against the St. Louis Church's white wall. He heard the door open and the nun's long black robe came into his view below.

"Two!" The nun's feet are coming towards him.

"Three!" Lucien continued to count off, despite the approaching danger. He's not worried about his face giving away anything. He had always been expressionless, despite feeling nervous inside.

"Four!" A hand clapped him in the shoulder. He immediately looked up to the nun with her bulging owl's eyes.

At the corner of his eyes, he saw Aiden's innocent face peeking above the bushes. Lucien is aware that the nun is observing his every move. Noticing his stare, the nun turned around.

"Aiden, found you!" He shouted over. Another child appeared behind the chicken barn.

"Lucien that's cheating! You're still at four!" Then all the children gathered around them, flocking like ducks.

"Sister, why did you disturb us? Lucien cheated because you told him where Aiden is!"

The nun glanced down and grimaced a little. It was a subtle reflex, as if she's shying away from the children. But she bent down and spoke sweetly.

"I'm sorry, have you been playing since earlier?"

"Yes!" The children answered in chorus.

The nun turned around to face Lucien. "Have you been playing with them since this morning?"

Lucien blinks in bewilderment. He did not actually think the nun would speak. And in a sweetly gentle voice at that, so different from the hissing, angry voice they heard earlier.