
Lucien was dumbfounded. Not a moment later, he heard something whizzed behind his ear. Surprisingly, his body reacted faster than his brain can process. He evaded the nun's claws even before he realized she had made a move.

The fuck?! What the hell just happened?!

Lucien's eyes traveled around the room. He accidentally made eye contact with Aiden. Lucien couldn't understand why, but there was something in the boy's eyes that made him waver. Especially from those worried eyes.

He felt something churn in his stomach. His body suddenly felt lighter and easier to control. It was like being in a trance inside a dream.

Another beep blip in Lucien's head.

[Detected. Protagonist's affection level towards the host has risen by one point. Triggering the momentary elated state from 'protagonist halo's protection. ]

It wasn't a joke!

Lucien suddenly felt energized. He lunged towards the nun, the whip brandished in his hand. The nun easily evaded his whip and attacked his blindspot. If there was one thing Lucien cursed, it was his body's incompetent fighting skills.

He can't fight the nun on equal standing. Their strengths are not the same. Lucien is considerably weaker, added that the body he has now is a child's. He holds no advantage. He really needs to thank the protagonist for his current elated condition.

The nun gradually started to adapt. Her agile body is quicker and faster to react. Lucien did not find a chance to hit the nun with his whip. Because of the advantage Lucien received from Aiden, his body was easier to control, but it still wasn't enough.

Lucien landed perfectly with his whip. The nun is standing a few meters away from him. Her eyes are viciously sneering. The group of children that are currently in the haystack were in shock. The nun is standing in front of them. They dare not make a sound.

On the other hand, Aiden's group of children, there was one who couldn't help but let out a small whimper. She was the only girl among the five children. It was understandable if she was so scared she pissed on her pants.

Lucien couldn't understand, but there was something weird about watching the nun and the other children in front of him. He couldn't remove the feeling that he was missing something crucial. Something more important.

But what was it? Lucien did not have the time to ponder upon it since the nun pounced on another attack. He evaded in time, but he did not expect the nun to purposely raise her claws towards another child behind him. Lucien could not react in time and only stared in shock as one of the five children's shoulders were clawed ruthlessly.

"What did you do?!" Lucien's anger rose. The whip in his hand is lashing because of his rage. Because of the increased strength he poured and the consecutive lashings, he was able to land three hits on the nun.

"Sorry, it was accidental." The nun said in a mock apology. Her tongue is licking her claws. Ravaging the blood tainted it deliciously.

Aiden immediately rushed to the little boy who was hit and ripped the boy's clothes just to stop the blood from flowing out. Excessive blood loss will cause death. Aiden can't let the little boy who was injured die.

Because if he does, Lucien will be angry. Lucien might leave him if he does. Aiden must at least prove he was useful to Lucien.

Lucien viciously stood between the nun and the six children behind him. The nun found his distress amusing and charge. She seemed delighted and extremely excited after tasting a little blood. Now she wants more.

As if Lucien would let her.

The nun's feet slammed against the closet beside the children, trying to instigate some fear in their faces. Lucien saw past her motives and took advantage of it. While she was busy grinning at the look on the children's faces. Lucien appeared behind her and struck right at her back.

He did not stop. He managed to lash the nun three times before she could not take it any longer and grabbed for his whip.

She pulled on it and Lucien stumbled. The two are caught in a tug-of-war for the whip.

"This nugatory whip! You think you have the advantage just because you have a weapon against me?!"

Lucien struggled. His one hand was tightly wrapped in a pillar while his other hand pulled on the whip.

Aiden did not watch idly and picked a big empty metal tool box. He threw it directly at the nun's head. The nun's hold on the whip loosened, and Lucien tugged on his own whip.

Taking advantage of the momentary nauseous look of the nun, he lunged with his whip again. The nun shrieked in pain and stumbled in front of the children, silently crouching in the hay stack.

She did not pay them any attention and turned to Lucien. Her fangs baring at him. The nun's speed became very fast. The whip no longer hit her. On the contrary, Lucien's wounds are increasing.

The nun raised her claw and caught Lucien's shoulder. Her claws dig deeper into his skin, directly into his bones. Lucien grunted in pain. As if she wasn't satisfied, she flung him across the basement.

There was a clear sound of bones breaking, and Lucien fell to the ground, coughing out blood. Red blood covered Lucien's face, soaking his hair in deep scarlet.

Lucien can't understand why, but the pain from being flung across the room is not as painful as the Father demon caused him. More importantly, he can see some of his wounds scabbing. The blood flowing out of his gravely wounded shoulder is gradually decreasing.

[Detected. Protagonist's affection level towards the host has risen by another point. The triggered momentary elated state has ended, now consuming the added point to raise the host's recovery body condition. You now have + 1 to Flexibility.]

Huh? Where the hell is this coming from? Lucien asked the system.

[Every time the host puts his life on the line to sacrifice himself for the protagonist, because of the affection level you have permanently engraved on the protagonist, this affection level will rise by one point, which you can use to your advantage to win against the demon.]