Haven City

Nicholas felt there was more to it than what Aiden and Lucien were telling them. But he can't deny the truth about the puppets' suddenly exploding into black powder. This was mostly true since the demon's followers would die and live with the demon they served. Whether they have consciousness or not, as long as the power of the demon is running through their veins and keeping them alive, it will kill them if the source dies in the demon slayer's hands. Nicholas chose to not pester the children anymore with questions. It was obvious just what kind of traumatic experience they were forced to go through. The other mages also agreed to not speak of the matter again.

The Mage Specialist has his eyes on Aiden. The child is hiding his face and attaching himself to the older one. The Mage Specialist can't sense any fluctuations of magic on the oldest, but he can sense a profound concentration of magic on Aiden. When they get back, he will certainly take this boy and test him in the Crystal Fortress to know the exact level of his magic capacity. Lucien saw the look of excitement the Mage Specialist is giving Aiden, and he can't help but smile.

In 'Slaying the Demons,' there was only one Demon Slayer Warrior who single-handedly killed the two-horned demon and took these five children to Haven City to live under the protection of the Demon Slayers Organization. That man did not intend to have the children trained to be demon slayers since he couldn't care less. If it wasn't for Aiden's hard core perseverance and stubborn insistence, they wouldn't have become demon slayers at all.

Compared to the current situation, Lucien really has to thank the protagonist's halo for favoring and paving the way for the little protagonist! Lucien is aware that Aiden is a calamity magnet, but who cares? The halo is more powerful!

He's planning to leech off Aiden's halo and live life smoothly in this world!

Nicholas and the other mages were discussing what to do with the children. The Mage Specialist insisted on taking Aiden with him to the Mage Academe. Nicholas was reluctant.They are still children. The trauma they experienced surely left a psychological effect on their minds. The others agreed with Nicholas, but the Mage Specialist insisted.

It has been a long time since he felt magic from a child this young. He was sure this one had a strong magical essence that let him adopt light magic and exorcise demons quickly.

If he develops a superior fighting ability, then he will truly become invincible! The others thought the idea of a double-specializing demon slayer was impossible. It hasn't been heard of ever since in the history of demon gates opening in the human land.

In any case, they did not stall any longer in the town. They have to temporarily seal the whole place for a month to prevent the other locals from stepping foot on the land. The purification is not yet done. Despite the fact that the array had been drawn, there was still dark demonic energy in the air, making it dangerous to live in at the moment.

With the transportation array cast, the demon slayers with the five children arrived in Haven City. Lucien had seen the city at the screen a thousand times, but he couldn't help but still marvel at the scenery. Everything was beautiful. The sun has finally come up. The towering buildings reflected a faint glow under the rays of the sun. The buildings have a series of wards and arrays drawn on every wall to ensure the protection of the people.

The haven's tall gates are enchanted with heavy enchantments and spells. At the gate, they are personally escorted inside by a soldier guarding the tower gates. Once they got inside, Lucien saw the winding staircase that led straight to the Demon Slayer Organization base. It was like a staircase towards heaven. The tallest building at the Demon Slayer base is like a mountain peak, usually seen in remote mountains where the peak has sharp edges and is covered in white mist. The surrounding houses are arranged in ascending order. The Haven City is detached from the modern world. Because the very place where Haven City stands is the gate of hell. This was done to permanently seal the gate, to prevent demons from pulling high ranking ones in the mortal world.

Because of the sun rising, the house's roof gives off the lazy scene of a peaceful city in the early morning. The people carried on to their businesses, the market bustling with vendors and customers trying to catch the freshest meat. That was the first time Aiden had seen such a city. Everywhere he went, hunger and scarcity of food were plaguing the town. Slaves and thugs are common. The poor are exploited and get stolen for whatever scraps they have. While the rich fled with their riches.

Aiden's attention was attracted to the small colorful sticks sparkling with lights. It was hanging from one of the wood trolleys used by the vendors. It was blinking red, green, blue, and yellow lights alternately.

The vendor is a middle-aged man with a small build and bony arms. But his eyes are brilliant and energized. He was calling out to different people with children to come and see his goods. Lucien noticed the little protagonist wanted to go. Without any hesitation, he led him right into the vendor and bought the flash light. The other children wanted one too, so he didn't hesitate to buy them.

Lucien had smartly taken a few coins from the church donation box before it was destroyed. He knew he and the five children would have a tough time in Haven City before settling permanently. Hence, taking precautions is absolutely necessary.

Aiden glared at the five children who had the same flash light as him. He hated it how Lucien gifted the children equally. He doesn't like it when the things he should have alone are possessed by others so easily.