Silver lining

Lucien spent seven hours reading and familiarizing himself with the demon sealing seed creation process. It was true there weren't any ingredients needed, no rare flower or herb. It was the cauldron alone.

Lucien got up to go back to where the cauldron was. When Aiden saw he was leaving, he got up and joined him as well. Lucien let Aiden sit at the table to continue reading while he was creating the level 1 pill.

This time, he followed the instructions in the book. Practice makes perfect. He's got little time and resources to practice. Covenantors can develop many level 1 pills at once if they practice channeling the light magic in the air.

'Not to control it, just let it flow.' the book says.

Lucien meditated, feeling the light magic in the air gather around his body. His hand instinctively stretch. He can feel the energy surging in his veins.