
Lucien was confused. Should he follow the little protagonist or let him be?

At one point, he was adamant about following and checking on the protagonist. But his mind won't let him.

'Stop acting like a doting parent.'

'If you want the kid to grow up like how he is in the anime, let him be. He can take care of himself. Don't make him too reliant on you.'

'Stop minding others' business. The little protagonist can solve his own problems and make his own decisions.'

At last, Lucien sighed and gave up the thought. After telling Old Fe he wanted to go back to his personal space to study creating pills, he left Old Fe and Michael to their own discussions.


The sun rose in the sky so quickly. Lucien was still burying his nose in the books about Alchemists when Old Fe called him.

"They're leaving." That's what he said. Old Fe wasn't in the space, but Lucien could hear his voice ringing in the whole cabin house.