Ridiculous pairing

He dismissed the ridiculous comments some crazy fangirls posted in the forums and clicked the play button to watch the 'Slaying the Demons. 

It bothers him why his name came up. A gnawing feeling clawed inside his chest. An intuition formed in his mind. But he needs to see it for himself. 

As the video loaded, he shoved two pizza slices into his mouth. He savoured the flavour and munched with gusto, licking the tip of his fingertips as he ate. 

The familiar opening song played, with the brief introduction of the characters. He first saw the adult version of the little protagonist, then his child self. 

The dirty looking him was tightly holding onto an older boy's hand. As Lucien stared, the face of the older boy was casted by a black shadow, making it impossible to see what he looked like. 

Then a few snapshot scenes played.