That sacrifice

He checked every corner of the cabin but found there was no hole or any glass he could use to see the world outside.

Keith refuses to speak with the idiots again. 'Friends' was such a fancy word to describe their relationship. He did not consider these four people his friends. Or more like, they never looked at him as one.

He was their servant. Buy this, buy that. Force him to break school rules, force him to steal. When they are caught, it is always him who will take the blame.

Talk about lame. These guys would have been dead if it wasn't for him.

He said nothing and continued to silently listen to the environment. Mika and Michelle, probably because of the fright and panic, were wide awake and get startled easily at the smallest sound.

They stayed close to each other in the corner. Will and Mike, contrary to the two, fell asleep with their heads leaning against each other.