
The body wriggled out of its clothes and jumped on the ceiling. It evaded the bullets the soldiers are raining down on it. 

It jumped on one of the soldier's shoulders and covered his face. The eleven soldiers were horrified. They immediately aim to shoot its head off. They did not care if they hit the companion whose the zombie was straddling upon. They only care this inhuman creature would turned up dead as soon as possible. 

Keith studied this scene on the sideline. He can see what they see. He can alter what they witness. He can hear their silent screams and palpitating hearts. The adrenaline rush overwhelmed their they don't have time to think. 

The zombie took off after the soldier it straddled on was dead. It jumped to the next and pulled the body outside. 

It growled at the sight of the morning sun and seemed to gain speed. 

"Don't let it get away!"