Keith - Encounter

So a Survivor Player can be bitten? 

Keith studied the middle aged man crazed eyes. Beneath the expression, there was still a bit of sense and sanity left. Surely this man will turn into a cannibal sooner or later, it was only a matter of time. 

So it's better to kill him beforehand. 

"Survivor Player or not, I'm afraid you'll gonna need to die today." 

"Huh?!" The middle aged man's grip on Keith's arm tightened. "Kill?! Who are you going to kill? Me?! You kids don't –"

Before he get to speak another word, blood gushed out from his neck. Keith only pointed the blade at the back using his free hand. He did not use much force but he was able to cut off the man's head. 

It was all thanks to the blade. 

"Eh?" The middle aged man had no time to resist. He just collapsed in a heap of dead pile in the ground. His head tumbling down while the rest of him block the stairs.