Lucien - last mission

In all four corners of the street, zombies hurdle together, running right to where the sound is. Lucien pointed the rifle to the thickest crowd and shoot. 

The bodies exploded into pulp. Blood were sprayed with bits of flesh. 


The status of the bar is increasing the more Lucien blow them to bits. He continued firing and eliminating zombies as if a bomb was dropped in the ground, killing all the people in the area.

Surprisingly, the more explosions sounded, the more zombies gathered to where the killed zombies' flesh were sprayed. 

Lucien watch as the zombies thicken and more zombies piled from different places. His plan is working. He can't help but grin. 

[Progress bar has reached 65%. You are halfway to complete the mission.]

[Time left: ten hours and 15 minutes.] 

[Your weapon, Space Shoot, has entered the cool down mode. It will take ten minutes before it can be used again.]