Last memory

Alicia did not doubt Keith. She really thought he was nice. Strong and has strange, unknown abilities. He cooperated with them, but she did not expect him to get angry at Lucien. Much less point his dangerous sword at them.

Alicia's intuition was screaming at her to run when she caught a glimpse of the sword. The dark aura it emitted, the countless blood scents coming off from the blade, made her hair stand.

Alicia had killed thousands, maybe more than a hundred thousand huge insects in that tunnel… But this was the first time she was thoroughly scared. 

"Alicia, why don't you step aside?" Keith said in a coaxing tone. But Alicia did not stand down. Keith acted as if he did not notice her stubbornness and continued speaking.

"You know I will never hurt you Alicia.  Don't worry. I won't kill Lucien. I just need to cut off his legs, that's all. In order for us to keep him alive until the end of this trial."