I don't know

"W- why me?"

"I told you from the start, I am not your enemy Aiden Gilberts. My mission is to assist you in your goal of conquering the tower. But all of my calculations always result in your failure. All speculations will lead to your death. So I came up with the support system. Based on your personality and performance, your success rate will increase if you have a trusted companion. And what I did is to find you one." 

Aiden knew there wasn't a good pie falling from the sky that won't take poison with it. All good deeds will always have bad intentions associated with it.

And this Planner.... they must have other agenda. Aiden need to tread on this matter cautiously.

Planner, "You cannot keep Lucien alive. I believe from what I showed you have learned how strong he is."

"Yes." Aiden absentmindedly agreed.