The city on the 1st floor

"Lucien," Aiden suddenly whispered urgently. "Do you have a cloak?" 

Something clicked on Lucien's brain. Right, the Infinite Cloak! 

Someone's heavy footsteps are getting nearer to their spot. He hurriedly take it from his inventory and covered it around themselves. 

The person arrived at the entrance on the left path. What's even worse, that person is standing a few feet away from Lucien and Aiden. They can literally hear his breathing and the rubbing of his clothes. 

He was too skinny for his height. His cloth is sticking to his skin, and they can see some of his ribs sticking out. But his facial expression….

Lucien is convinced that this person is utterly mad. His bulging eyeballs could not keep still inside his eyelids. Always wiggling around, his tongue keep sticking out and licking the side of his lips.