Spider Queen

He shot successive arrows towards the Queen Spider's face. 

More specifically, her mouth. The Queen managed to deflect it all with her small pincers behind her face. Lucien was driven to the corner when it all come back raining down at him. 

He rolled. Stood up and aim again. First arrow did not manage to hit the target. The second and third successive arrows managed to land on the Spider Queen's eyes. 

All eight eyes blink and largened. The scarlet slit focused on him and glared fiercely. 

"Haha." Lucien nervously chuckled. Looks like he managed to attract its attention all right. 

He glance briefly to Aiden. 

The plan is working. 

Lucien retracted the arrow and shift his Draw Spear into his Space Shoot. He changed its form and the bullet instantly largened.

Explosive pallets.