
Lucien stood dumbly in front of the Player's Association.

He frowned at the place, confused. If the terminal did not indicate the direction through the map, he would not have known where to find it.

He was taken by surprise to see that the building itself is actually the Player's Association. The first floor's building is like a western coliseum placed in the middle of mid - century gothic design.

The second floor is more modernized, with taller buildings, wide expanse glass walls.

Lucien stared at the gloomy sky of the second floor, as if waiting for something to be dropped in front of him.

The paper slip given by the system was clutched tightly in his hand. He was nervous. He remembered those men in black from the Player's Association.

They were present in every instance game and floor trials. Granting entrance to players, monitoring their scores if they are qualified to play.