Treasure Room

The monster's split body collapsed with a loud thud. Everyone was standing on the edge of the thrashed building, completely in awe. Victor tugged on the rope and he was lifted off the ground. 

He was panting lightly. Nobody noticed when, but Victor had a cut on his neck. His sweat dripped into his wound, a tingling pain crept on it but he wiped the trace of blood on his neck, circled his shoulders and smiled once to his companions. 

"Victor your awesome!"

"That was some awesome move!" 

Lucien distanced himself from the festivities as the words of celebration and congratulations reverberated in the air. It wasn't because he was stingy and didn't want to join in the fun.

It's just the crescent blade was vibrating in his hand. Its subtle movement in his hand is telling him to move and go in the direction it's telling him to go. Lucien did not object any further and went to where the crescent blade is leading him to.