Fierce ghost

When Dan finally noticed Lucien standing beside him, he turned around and raised his brow at Lucien.

"What are you still doing here?" Dan inquired. He was about to assign another task for Lucien when he beat him into it.

"I have to stick with you."

"And why?"

"Because you are the owner."


Lucien stared at the members who busied themselves carrying the unconscious and putting up magic array around the street. His eyes are expressionless as he whispered.

"You said that no one in the association can use the wild king, right? But there was someone who can definitely use its authority and rule all over this floor if that wild king card is used."

The more Lucien talks, the darker Dan's expressions become. Dan tried hard to control his face as he looked at Lucien, but he could not control the dangerous aura leaking from him as he narrowed his eyes on Lucien.

"I thought it was weird."

"Weird what?"