Ninetieth floor (2)

"I contacted them. Don't worry, they can't come here. Not for a while. They are participants in the Ghost ranking in the Blood Tower. If they stop taking the instance games now, they will forfeit their ranking and receive severe punishment from the Blood Tower." The Oni Demon husband repeatedly reassured his wife. 


There are at least two thousand cities on the ninetieth floor. Each city is dominated by a Demon lord. And now, Aiden's underlings had raided nine hundred cities. The demon lords in these areas surrendered to him. However, the other Demon lords either joined the opposing rebellion or remained cooped up in their palaces. Not wanting to be involved in the battle but just waiting to see who will come out as the victor, before they will pick who to side with. 


Aiden couldn't really be bothered with them. As long as they stay put and obey his every command, he will be merciful. After all, his beloved wife wants him to be kind.