Investigate (3)

In Keith's room, the girls started to gossip at his side. 

"Lexi is absent."

"No wonder. Did you hear? This time the missing person is her brother. Gosh, the curse is now taking female and male students again." And the three shivered. 

Keith got a little closer to them and was about to open his mouth to ask when the strict homeroom teacher who humiliate Lexi yesterday slam her book on the two gossiping girls' desk. 

"Self. Study." She glared at them as she emphasized each word. 

"Y - yes maam." The two shivered and immediately buried their head into the textbook. Keith also did the same and manage to avoid the teacher's tiger look in time. She paced back to the front and straighten her back. 

She held a half a meter stick in her hand.