Clues (4)

Outside of the library, three policeman were on patrol and their voices were lowered.

"Hey, about the students inside the office with Lieutenant, will they be okay?"

"You shouldn't be worried about them if I were you." Their footsteps stopped and they lowered their voices.

"The kid who turned up dead, his body was found in the cabin that has thick smell of drugs. Evidence pointed out that they beat him until he collapsed to that state. Three kids have already confessed about beating him but they swear they left the body on the locked abandon storage room beside the gym. The teacher even put chains and locked it tightly last night."

"But earlier this afternoon, someone was caught in the footage who break in and take out the body of the boy and brought him outside. That person rushed to destroy the chains to get inside but took a long time before they get out. He carried the body outside and placed him inside the cabin on the West Forest."