Escape from the hospital (8)

It took a couple of seconds before Alicia found her voice. 

"I'm okay."

The lines of worry in the teenager's face deepened. Alicia is too frail for her age to undergo this harsh reality. If only he was strong enough to escape this place, he would have taken her out and let her experience the beautiful world outside.

Alicia did not know the teenager's thoughts. Her attention was on the other children that are being chained and dragged in front of her. They have abnormal bruises on their arms and necks, even the hospital gowns they are forced to wear are dirty and some even have dried blood all over them.

They reached an iron gate and every child was forced to enter a single person archway that was made of steel. It also has small dotted lights that line the sides. 

"Demonic contamination level?" The tall burly man with a watch communicator asked.

"Level 4." The man in a suit in charge of the child standing in the archway answered.